posion ivy cures

It is absolutely impossible to spread poison ivy to yourself or anyone else from the wounds themselves or any of the pus inside the wound. It is the oil from the plant that causes it. Once washed, you can’t spread it even if the sores are wide open and oozing. You can, however, keep getting it if the clothes you wore still have the oil on them. I always got it from the shoelaces of my bike shoes, and from yard-working gloves. I learned I had to wash all that every time or I just would get it the next time I tied those shoes or used the work gloves. PITA but what I had to do to not get it as much. I never got it when I was younger and last year I got it all the time. So far, nothing this year.
Go to http://poisonivy.aesir.com/ for all the myths and facts.