You, My Friend, found what ive always called ICH Weed, and it is some nasty shit! Anybody who dont believe u or I can drop by the shop, i have my own personal forest full and rich of that shit!
Poison ivy has been my lifelong battle, lol
bleach with HOT water while scratching always did the trick, as well as
Parts cleaner, (when cleaning parts the infection felt better)
Swimming pool is a good call as well, but u need the public one, u know the one with 60% Chlorine content…
But when i was stuck with it for a while id scald myself with hot water for short term relief, or smack the spot several times, the itch goes away for about 10 minutes after each torture session
A few notes.
Poison ivy does not and cannot spread by scratching.
Poison ivy is small skin colored bumps usually in a formation, (straight line)
Poison Sumac, and OAk are the gooey blisters that seep nasty liquids and puss, different allergy, different solution.
Bumps on ur shaft and balls are called Herpies, i dont care if u noticed them while u had Poison ivy, they are herps, and cream wont make that go away, lol
good day :hs: