Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

I’m hoping it helps lol. I fall a lot, but it’s mostly due to MAJOR shin splints which make me give up my stance and just topple over from the pain. I’ve been doing stretches to help that though, so hopefully this season is better.

No lessons. You can still fall even after lessons and I feel on my tail bone ONE time last year and it was bruised for months. Would get the gear regardless.

Haha. I’ve done that too where I’ve launched myself forward in major fashion. At one point at Song Mountain in Syracuse I flew like 25ft and was probably 5ft in the air. The workers who watch out for folks came runnin over like, “WTF!? WHAT are you doing?”

That shit hurt SO BAD. I thought I broke my back. I landed so hard on it that I heard the pop in my head lol.

I’m epicly turrible (as Charles Barkley would say) at this thing called snowboarding. I can get going quick by staying low, but eventually I wipe out. Obviously the key is to carve and not just zoom down the mountain full tilt, but that’s about all I’m good at the moment.