This has CAZ written all over it.:lol
If you buy those, more power to you, but they will drive you out of a daily driver, especially a GM interior.
This has CAZ written all over it.:lol
If you buy those, more power to you, but they will drive you out of a daily driver, especially a GM interior.
lol i agreee, good call george :thumbup :hug
Fuck you douchebag
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how neat :retardclap
i replyed fist so HA!
lol youve already seen the camera so you already knew about it
ya natily was takeing a picture of you the last time i seen it :haha
how are those cameras, Sam?
it works really good im still trying to figure everything out on it tho
They’re godly, especially with the addition of a Hubble telescope hanging off the front, much like AMD rolls.
post examples plox
After 3 years I still cant figure out my digital camera and that thing looks alot more high tech and shit than mine.
ya my mama dukes has the same one except hers isnt digital and hers works really good too
im not really that good at taking pics but here are some random ones i took sorry for the sideways one
I think the dog is going to eat the cat
sam, my buddy’s got the same camera, he took rolling pics of a few of our cars today, pics will be up tomorrow, just to give you a peek at what that camera can do :thumb