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thats a lot of small stuff for 1400$ BMW FTW

the Turner parts must have been the most costly

maintenance stuffs?

gasket, gasket, thermostat, gasket, bearing, bushing, gasket. studs. id say so. would you like pictures and/or video of the install?

Yeah, pos is nickel and diming me to death as usual though…but I’ve managed to find some sick deals on the mods so it all equals out.

pretty much, yeah.

dont forget the gaskets :lol

theres actually 4 gaskets listed and i only put gasket 4 times :excited

Yeah there should be alot more, but I’m erring on the side of danger and not pulling the crank hub off to do timing cover gaskets/chain guides/front main seal.

Waiting for the clutch to give up the ghost before I do the RMS, all of the trans gaskets, and new trans/clutch obviously.

Paid bills. Mortage, and paid my credit card off.


speaking of maintenance, i looked on MJM’s site and for some reason a 2.7T S4 90kmi maintenance is like half of what mine is. Why is it like that? It’s the same motor, isnt it?

la spoon better be DAMN low after a purchase like that

yup projector and a little nicer looking headlight but i think the HID’s are optional. this set does not have the oem HID

so put em in. 4300k would be tits.

more oil, to plug the dam aka subaru

mason-tech sump saver is a nice piece. Scott is the man.

got 4300k for the fogs and the low beams just waiting for both to arrive to snap some pics of the finished look!

what about 4 inch exhaust? got that yet?