Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

baller! :thumbup

SOrry for the delay, I picked them up from Kirban Performance. These are pretty nice and come with new longer screws. They do GN stuff, but G-Body stuff in general is pretty universal as you know.

Those look good, Joey. I like the coloring on those.

Like Gatville said, we have the same one. It works well, don’t listen to him :lol

I’m sure it will do everything I need it to.

picked up this gem last night. there goes all my money ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

the house is out in chicopee near my base.

the ever important garage/work area.


House looks real nice!!!

Looks nice and cozy.


Nice Mike!!!
Sooooo when’s the house warming party?!?! :lol

nice pick up mike. :thumbup;size:220,220.jpg

WOT box, adds 2 step launch control and no lift shift to my otherwise boring supercharged cobalt.

thanks everyone. should be closing in early february.

ill probly wait til spring and throw some sort of party so everyone can cruise out. its about 1.5 hours from albany.

livin in mass ha ?

not exactly my first choice, but my full time job for the time being at least is out there so i gotta do what i gotta do.

its not to bad of a trip to home .not a bad area niether

picked up two of these guys to replace the front ones that are showing cords on the panasports

Nice house Mike. Thats the size of a house i’d want if i were to get a house. and the garages are NICE. im totally jealous!

Got one for the Jetta to install too! cant wait. PM me when u get it in there I wana check it out!

For some on the road internetz on my long drives…