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That stuff is gud, use it all the time.


oh yea, like i said. its mint!

I just bought some of the 1 minute gasket maker permatex shit. its really thick and sticky. I cleaned the side of the block and the pan where it was leaking and jizzed a bunch of that shit on there so see if it would seal it back up. Well it did for a while, but on the ride into work, i had a little trail behind me in the parking garage. :banghead figured it wouldnt work but I didnt want to have to pull the damn pan again. so I will wait for the gasket to come in and do it again, the right way.

I have used that stuff befor, yea its good shiz.

use audi sealant, its 30$ a tube but well worth it

permatex cheese whiz -the right stuff its black it is the best seeler out there

What model is your teg? You haz ABS?

Not anymore… I think all the axles have the rings on them though. The axles I got are Driveshaft Shop

Yeah most of them still haz the abs ring.

Got a hell of a deal on a GTX 285

how much?

ooooooh! those are tasty!

grats. I have the GTX 260OC and wanted to upgrade to this for awhile.
you should do a 3Dmark and post it up;)

DSS ftw, thats whats in my teg, green boots tho

hasport just relabels them… they do all black ones for them

as long as the wife agrees


NICE dude!!! Thats what I am running. I got a BFtech 2GB 285 and it fucking rocks.

Here is the deal. I had a GTX260 regular one (no need to spend the extra $30 for overclocking it when you can do it your self) The STOCK GTX260 on my e8500 @ 4.0ghz hit like 14,500 pts in 3dMark06. I over clocked the card a little higher than the “superclocked” EVGA 260 and hit 16,000 and change.

The same 4.0ghz on and the stock GFtech 285 hit 16,x00, a little higher than the “superclocked” 260. BUT, I have this card CRANKED now, 790mhz core and the mem/shader I dont remember off the top of my head but they are WELL above any “overclocked” edition of the 285. (granted I am fully water cooled) But the max 3dMark06 I hit sofar was 20,200 marks.

the 285 is a hefty card! Once the Fermi cards come out, the GTX2## cards will drop in price, so I will be going SLI for sure!

If your looking to upgrade and arnt in a rush, hold out for the Fermi. they will be leaps above a 280/290 card.

I picked it up for 175

My 3D Marks sucks cock right now last time I tried to run one, my CPU is holding me back bigtime. I had it OCed to 2.8/3.0GHZ for awhile stabley but now it wont go over 2.6… I think I have a bad stick of ram, I’m just too lazy to run memtest and check for sure. All im doing is playing iRacing now, everything checked and maxed out im not dipping below 75fps in a full field and am around 150-200fps by myself…

will do the trick for now

I just bought 1 of the Link 1 and 2 of Link 2:

Link 1 -

Link 2 -

$175? Nice pickup.

I’m waiting for the NVidia “Fermi” cards for my next graphics card. Just cause I like to have ‘the latest’.