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guys im on my way to the hall at the polish community center, see you all in 20, peter that includes you too!

made a quick guest list for the following at polish com. center on the extension, say yout user name to enter:

lancy pants
red(its not that warm out)

Its warm outside. Kinda.

[QUOTE=LS?WS.6;755320]guys im on my way to the hall at the polish community center, see you all in 20, peter that includes you too![/QUOT\

hahahaha …ill be there

perfect, my uncle is holding a meeting there now

thanks pete i think i may have just spoke to him. GUYS i made a guess list on the EDITED post, please reply

IS TTHIS FOR SRS I can be there in say 45? lol

Ahahaah Rich


Dont facepalm me, thats speeding even! haha


why is no one in my chat room?

I have to goto walmart and get food stuffs.

Dude fuuuuck.

I was all set to pass out, teeth brushed and errthan, and now. NOW.

cobykill walmart ftw, never a dull moment when im down there

done arguing im drained out


Albany walmart ftl

False! when schools in session theyre all over, its horrible, its like 1/2 the lights went out in there. I gotta make a run to the hunting dept where theres only whites.


Haha, was all clear tonight, dumb kids gots school yo. Just have to deal with the overly large girl that likes twilight, manager wanna be. And stares from the mostly inbred staff. I say mostly because I have a few friends that work there still. lol