Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Didn’t even see it… probably was gay though judging by your love for dicks and stuff


i can see it from the perspective of the person doing the tattoo “aw gawd, this bitch is so stupid and drunk, shes getting woodstock on her tit because its cute, but oh well. its money, it’s gonna look like an ostrich when shes older tho”

Pics to confirm gayness?

I know my tats are far from gay.

Hmmm… And legit shop won’t tattoo you if you’re drunk.

Like it LOL

Yeh i got about six hours total left then my arm is done

I thought your was pretty killer

fucking mouse



nice tits

Nice neg rep.

If people don’t like your tattoo who fucking cares. Fuck them. It’s on you not them.


The work on yours looks awesome. But as far as tattoo’s go not every one is going to have the same taste so tell them to taste your nuts if they dont like it

Ive been seriously considering getting a tattoo but dont quite have an exact idea of the one I want and Im a bit of a pussy when it comes to needles and shit

get this one paul

No, I dont want homo mermen on my back

yesss you do

Radiator fill

Vibrant ultra quiet resonator

And many more fittings etc. to finish my fuel line set up

^those are some sweet welds on there, lol.

no I dont. I also just realized that theres two big dicks sperming on that one. I looked quick and thought it was a gate or something, not dicks.

And if I got a tattoo it would probably be on my left upper arm, not my back.
Nobody would see it if it was on my back.