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Makin it rain

Got even more goodies to buy as soon as I find em

Absolutely epic game and if it wasn’t for the fact that I have my sister in-laws wedding to attend tomorrow and deliver her wedding cake I wouldn’t be dropping the controller and going to bed right now.

If you enjoyed the first you will love this :number1

Who the hell gets married on Easter

My sister inlaw, and say anything bad about her and I’ll pull a short-circuit style disassemble-mod to your audi 90 in the garage.

makes me miss our old one :frowning:

looks clean.

LOL my wife is doing the hair and makeup for them.

Awesome pick up man… I hope your doing what I think your doing

I have only heard good things, but that it was a bit short. There are also two fan created ones that have been around for a bit that are decent.

Contemplating buying a twin disc cause the car needs a clutch. Im pretty sure you can figure out the rest

Not the route I thought you were going… but badass none the less :thumbup

This ones staying around for awhile

haha… thats what they all say.

Taurus Model 850 .38 Special
Like any Taurus handgun I have held, I am not thoroughly impressed with its quality. It fits in my pocket quite nicely but I doubt I will keep it for long…

missed the old one didnt ya ?

I saw that car at Highbridge last night on the trailer. Didnt realize it was yours Sean.

Oh yea picked it up yesterday with big Ritchart and then grabbed some food and played with some balls as well

I’m disappointed, you ricer.

Car looks good.

Need some thing reliable and fuel efficient to get back and forth to school. I dont think I will bother messing with a car till I am done with school and have a house

Shoulda bought a duramin.