Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Handled from the factory, brah


Factory forged pistons and equally as tough rods/crank. Ain’t no thang to make a little over 2HP/CI with turbz. Hell I’m making ~6 lol

Aint no thang but a chicken wingg… with a big butt layin in your lap

My latest purchase…

I should have just built a nitrous monster… fuck

No way. Shit is way to expensive to fill, and the torque would make traction almost hopeless for you. Turbo FTW!

^ x2agreed!

haha i hope your right… i went up and saw my car at synapse today. Its coming… but jesus christ is it tedious and frustrating.


Car should trap 125 without the gears based on the setup. Common set of mods. The gears are supposed to really wake it up :slight_smile:

Id rather be short then have a gut at the age of 28:lol


If you think that about Ryan, what the fuck do you think of me you asshole? I’m 28 as well. :gtfo

You shut your dirty cunt mouth

Yessssssssssssssss! Fuckin’ awesome man!

Only seen pics of Bryan, but don’t see how he has a gut unless he’s a ‘skinny fat’ (thin arms/chest/etc, with a pot belly…I was one of these for a LONG time).

bryan is like 312lbs now trav

FML i’m skinny fat :’(