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nah, I gotta do something real crazy to get in :ahh

How many times did shawn smith beat the red coupe that night?

69 times.

Thought so.

I heard shawn lost 69 times? :dunno

I guess the ones who saw it are wrong.

those damn kids!!! :Idiots

Still trying to line up with any of them but, the true street are always in true peices whenever i ask. Its a shame.

yeah true peices ftl…those motors arent even built right anyways :cry:

I just dont get all the hype why 12.3 at 125 is so cool followed by 15 excuses.

I dont get why your all up my ass right now. I have no clue who you are. You dont like me, I get it but what is your deal? I find this funny.

:popcorn YESSS we have the popcorn!!!:popcorn

I never said i didnt like you.

so whats all this T.S hating shit? I legit dont care if you dont like it. Its not meant to be this big bad group of kids with fast cars. Its like shift518 with out a message board. A group of friends. How you even know about this i dont understand. Not once have we come out and say we are faster then everyone in the 518. yeah shawn has his moments but hes new to the game. I dont bash shift518 when some of you guys have shift stickers on your cars or anything. just leave it be.

Apparently you dont know what your bro’s like nick alger do when the boss isnt around because the group like him, the white coupe, the rustang etc like to talk shit and run their mouths. Especially captain eclipse, hes a big mouth runner. I believe ive heard a few times “just wait till so and so’s car is done”.

he doesnt like it when people come up while we are at mcdonalds and 3 guys start saying “shawn smith car sucks” of course he will want to say something back. if you have a problem with nick why dont you go up and talk to him. Hes an easy kid to get along with. when you left and said to dave with the mustang his car is rice of course he will get mad. like myself, had no clue who you or the other kid was in the car. I am not here to start issues but you seem like you are. if you dont like me or my friends thats fine. Again, we are not here to start shit im just sick of people telling me to come on here and seeing my bro and i getting talked about in a bad way.

:rofl i wasnt the one to say anything first. Untill nick opend his mouth to me directly. He had a lot of fun saying how my car was junk and i didnt know how to drive and the white camaro was junk and lucky etc. Its always been just wait just wait till so and so is done and this car gets this. Whens the waiting done? Im sure plenty of members shawns already “beat” would love to line up some more and others. You guys have a shitty rep for some reason and im rather new to the car scene.

I heard the kid with the eclipse was running his mouth about a White Camaro SS being slow and a POS???..

I would be pissed off too if a bolt on ls1 was yankin everyone…

i was in the car with nick that night and some kid in the back seat said it. Nick did not menton the white car at all. I dont like when people talk shit about other peoples cars because if there into cars there ok with me. All nick said was someone has to learn how to drive and some kid has a v6 accord. He didnt mention the white camaro at all. I have not once said wait till this or that, etc. If my bro or I dont have our cars I wont sit there and talk about it. If I recall when I was at lvd with shawn one saturday wasnt that your mopar that blew up? Yes my brothers car and I havent been out this year. We are having Synapse build the cars and if we have to wait we have to wait. Morgan and the guys do a great job over there and if will wait till there ready which are almost complete. Its a shame you think we have a bad rep. I get along with most of the guys on here except a few that for no reason hate on us because we didnt do good at the track last year. itll happen. :shifty

Wasnt my car. I saw shawn’s car make a high 12 pass and walked away. My cars oil pump failed the following weekend. Even blown up it still made a faster pass.

So, again now your the one talkin the shit right? he went 12.4 at 124. his first time ever out at lvd on dr’s. I dont even know why im fighting with you over this or why you care so much? this is NOT my car. I am just friends with the owner of it. Damn when did racing become SO serious…i do it for fun :lol