Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

i guess i didnt know the extent of it. ill stop running my mouth

No matter what, any girl on a car forum full of dudes is going to be called an attention whore whenever she posts. It’s nothing against you, as it happens to everyone, hence why there’s only guys really on this site. But because people comment on how you make your money (which I don’t know nor do I care to), doesn’t mean you should bash someone else whom you’ve never even met before using information you read on a website. I don’t care if you’re a hooker, stripper, porn star, whatever. God only knows what I’d do if I was a decent looking female trying to make money.

T Dawg is my idol… I wanna eat at outback steak house daily and buy a zr1 that I can blow up too!

i actually do know you and you have met me before. but thats besides the point. people think im a hooker/stripper/porn star because of my money but im not. i work in insurance and no one believes me. thats what i was saying.

My vagina would be an ATM.

When did I ever meet you?


It’d give me an excuse to get that device you plug into your iPhone so you can accept credit cards. :rofl

rather not talk about who i know you from on here.

Private messaging works.

you should have gone faster then me, and heres why…

1: your car made alot more power/torque then mine
2: my clutch was fucked
3: your car cost 3 times mine, not including the upgraded turbos and shit
4: your awd

aside from the track, if you sill had the ruff out, I can guarantee you 100% I would walk you on the streets.

but im a street racing fag, and your not. So, that will never be proven.

  1. Then don’t bitch about the times I ran.
  2. Then don’t bitch about me saying it’d be pointless to spray. If you’re so “run what ya brung” then you should stop using excuses.
  3. Cost means anything? Really? That’s an excuse Honda newbs use.
  4. Same as #2.

Once I have it out, I’ll drive it for a month or so then it’s getting sold due to a priority shift. But if you’re so gung-ho on beating me, take your car to Lime Rock or Watkins Glen then we’ll compare times. I’ll use my lowly M3. You may beat me at something I don’t care about, and I may beat you at something you don’t care about. At the end of the day, I prolly couldn’t care less that we beat each other at things the other isn’t good at.

maybe we can see what its got when its out then…

Yea, it’ll have a for sale sign.


Getting this back on topic…

Damn home-ownership sucks… lol

You must have daddy issues or something.

You really are a street racing fag.

Smokin is a closet import guy. Oh wait, what was this thread about… bought some used Honda parts, no pics, no care.

keep running your mouth

Youre making an epic purchase tomorrow :ninja

Me = :cry:

Mouth running.

You will be fine. :ninja :lol