Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

My old roomate has a projector setup. They’re pretty badass. All I can say is drunk+shadow puppets = hilarity.

Just looked that projector up too… if that is the one you got, it supports 1080P but the resolution it throws out is only 640x480…

In other words, it will accept a 1080p signal, but regardless of whats being in, it only displays a max native resolution of 640x480 vs 1080 which is 1920x1080

will it look decent in a dark room?

This guys running one at 80 inches then expands to 100 inches and the pic quality looks pretty good…


this pic looks decent too


^ The youtube video isnt even hi def so its impossible to tell :lol

Honestly man it depends on how anal you are, im very anal when it comes to picture quality. If you just want a big screen etc, then it may be just fine, but if you wanna watch a 1080P movie and be blown away by the details and the contrast and clarity, its not going to happen with a 200 dollar projector.

Basicly, the resolution that thing is throwing out is what your old Tube TV’s throw out. Dark/Light details are going to be washed out, id be amazed if it has any sort of calibration on it so colors will probably be way off etc…

It may work fine for whatever you want to use it for, but if your looking for a theatre quality movie room like I said its just not going to happen… might get you laid though if you bring some girls over :rofl

right, but I can judge if its complete shit by if I can make out the picture of not… If I video taped a rear projection tv i’d barley be able to make out the picture.

fuck man, y u gotta put me down son!? lol jk… fuck, I would have went with a better one I just didnt know this one wasnt good lol.

I have two living rooms in my house, one downstairs and one upstairs so I figured id make the upstairs a movie theatre lol…


New CPU Cooler

mad nurdz ITT.

Getting this bad boy done right now

Bought to new guns , a highpoint 9mm and a .45

Dead Jager deer?

4.1GHZ Bro :lol

THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME link so i can purchase?

^ Those are some good prices for shirts. I check Teefury, Ript, and shirt.woot everynight :lol

So finally ordered a legit set of centercaps for the volks;
x4 Not overnight from Japan, more like a month wait :rofl

Hahaha i can see where ya see that, wasnt the plan just a bit of a twisted tat, lots of crazy little detail work in it, cant wait till its done. Here’s a pic of the outline done on it. Cant wait till all the shadowing/color is done in it.

Funny, I went from only having a 2x2’’ tattoo i got when I was 18, got my 2nd one in late june and now I’ve got 5 big ones. I was kind of hesitant to get anything on a visible body part, but figured if I have on pants/work shirt nothing will ever bee seen