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I love the bird eating the brain haha

Shins such a breeze. I was suprised. That is the front of your leg right? Whos doing it?

Yup, I hardly felt a thing during it. Back of my arm i got done a week ago is more sore then that was as it was getting done.

Brandunn at too the point in cohoes is doing it

Yeah. I was suprised how much of a breeze the shin was. Started this a few months back.

Will be finishing it hopefully in the next week.


Nice! Yeah, im a fat bastard, my shin has the least bit of fat on it, so i figured it was gonna hurt like a bastard. But it was cake, when he used the small detail needles i couldnt even tell he was doing anything. Im hoping to have this piece finished up in 4-6 weeks, probably gonna alternate finishing up my 1/2 sleeve between healing time

My shin is a thin layer of skin, then bone. I can’t even imagine how much it would hurt.

so is mine, despite being fat, didnt hurt a bit. The fat on the back of my arms on the other hand, wasnt sore at first but healing up they are tender as a mother fucker

Nolans to much of a woman to get tattooed.

Why dont black people get white tattoos /srs question

I am 100% sure you’d complain about me not having enough money for my car lol

what? are you talking about white ink? even if so, white ink won’t really show in black people’s skin. it barely shows in white people’s skin.


Any color tattooed on dark skinned people, (black/indian/etc) the color tone wont show up. My artist has people walk in that want to get big colorfull tattoos that the color wont hold/show up on and arguee with him to do it anyway and he wont.

Hahha i was just fucking around.

Im as pale as a ghost. Tattoos go great with my skin tone

answer your phone ya honkey

You didnt call me hoodrat

On a work night paul? Thats very irresponsible of you

:cracks beer #9 for the night:

PJB, You gettin’ drunk tonight? Maybe doing something crazy like masturbating with your left hand? Word.