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Picked up all the components to do some minor datalogging in my STi. I went with the cheap components for now just to get a quick idea of everything before I went and dropped the money on the quality stuff. I already had the Samsung tablet so I picked up the cheapo Chinese OBD bluetooth sender (ELM__) for about $20 on ebay, grabbed a quick seat belt bolt, goose-neck mount for the tablet for around $15-$20 or so, and bought the paid version of the Torque App for the tablet for $5. I’m actually pretty happy so far with how everything is working. There are only a few issues I have; one is that after 10-15min or so the parameters all seem to freeze. Not sure if its due to the cheap chinese OBD sender or if its just a setting in the app. Another thing is that I wish it had a few more parameters. I really was hoping to get real time oil pressure, oil temperature, and fuel pressure, but those don’t appear to be OBD on my 04. And finally, I wish the mount was a little sturdier. I am going to be modifying it to make it a little easier to remove (possibly a quick-release type setup) and I’ll see if I can’t possibly do something to help keep it from shaking at the screen and make it a little sturdier.

I have the Scantool OBDLink adapter that I may also try out, but it is the USB connection version and I wanted to stay wireless… we’ll see what happens though. Eventually I’d like to pick up the Tactrix cable and be able to do some real monitoring and datalogging on the tablet if I can. But for now, the Torque app allows me to datalog whatever parameters I choose, then it will send it in .csv file and create a formatted Excel document. I can also choose how frequently it logs (1/4 second, 1 second, etc). So far it seems to be pretty awesome.

Here are some pictures… sorry about the glare, I’ll try to get some better ones later. Also, I know that the torque/horsepower calcs arent accurate, but I put those displays along with the 1/8mile, 1/4 mile, 0-60, and 40-60 displays on there just for shits and giggles and b/c I had some extra space on the screen that I figured I might as well use up and get some laugs.

Over-all installed shot:

Main dashboard screen:

Additional Parameters screen:

It allows for up to 7 screens, but I only had enough parameters to fill up the 2… lol. The torque app also has a ton of other options including graphing, mapping, DTC reading and clearing, and quite a bit more. Not bad at all for a $5 app. In reality, once the “new gadget” enjoyment time has expired, I’ll probably use it very rarely to do some quick logging (possibly if I get into Autocrossing this year… or maybe the 1 or 2 times I may take it to the valley for some straight line “fun”), but it will probably mainly get used to help with diagnostics… like it did when I had the issues with the o2 sensor earlier.

That’s pretty sweet!

Kenny you are something else :rofl

That is simply awesome.

When does the danger to manifold icon come up ?

I was waiting for someone to post that… lol. I should be ok b/c I didn’t get any overnight NOS big bottles from Japan… Although, I can set different alerts and warnings on it and it will actually talk to me to let me know if the parameter goes past the setting.
I actually set up a couple quick alerts to try it out… one was when my temperature was at operating temp, another for overboosting (set at 26psi I think), another for low voltage, another for high rpm (above 6000). It’s actually pretty neat. I forgot about the operating temp this morning and it scared me a bit b/c all of a sudden the damn thing says “Engine Coolant is up to operating temperature” in this robotic female voice… lol.

Thank god the full is gone. Looked at the tag it was from 1993. I’d say it was time for a new bed haha.
Duh pic would help.

I should buy a new bed but I hate spending money on shit like that. Mines pretty worn out and the box spring cover is all ripped up.


not in the budget right now anyway. Maybe later in the year.

Well I told myself I wouldnt spend any more money.

That didnt last long.

Summit had a damn nice sale on an intake for my car, so I just ordered one. They usually go for $400+. Paid $249- $20 mail in rebated

I actually thought your car was fwd

no fucking way. This is one of the cars GM didnt totally basteridze in recent years

Summit FTW. half the shit they sell that’s Summit brand, is the exact same part as something twice as expensive.

“supposedly” from dyno testing the car picks up 40ishwhp and 35ishwtq with the intake

from just an intake?

yeah, apparently the stock intake is a bit restrictive with having to route all the way around to the back of the engine

They r choked up stock .

I believe they improve stock flow by around 700cfm

There is someone who sells a upper pulley, but im not sure its worth it. People who have them installed have said their vehicles preform better in terms of response, but very minimal dyno gains due to increased temps

if that’s restrictive, then the little 3L in my ranger is suffocating. the intake is about a 2 1/2" tube coming out of the airbox, on the right side, makes a 45* bend, then goes into this weird ass cone shaped thing that’s about 1" wide, then a 90* into the intake.
i cant find an aftermarket one either. noone makes parts for it.

Cause rangers are not worth anything other than lowering or field trucks . There nutless wonders so no aftermkt company is gonna waste there time on them