Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Might be hard to tell with all the cladding in this pic, but here is the stock one. You can tell the one I ordered is quite a bit bigger.

does all the plastic still fit? Sure would suck if it didnt.

see now i wish my grandpa kept his. he had it on a lease, then got a Lincoln when the lease ran out. i mean the Lincoln is nice and all, but for american luxobarges, the Cadillac is King.

The plastics will require a bit of trimming to go back on, but I’ve seen it done. I may look into buying a second set just incase.

The luxury level of this car is unlike anything I’ve ever driven. It’s truly a blast and comfort to drive. Very well refined and beyond comfortable (even for a big bastard like me) but you get on it and its a hell of a lot of fun.

Don’t they get upper 20s for gas mileage too if you drive nicely?

I got like 23 or something coming home from VA with a good bit of driving in the triple digits and quite a few roll runs.

I’ve seen 18 driving it around town, and that’s pushing it pretty good

Dang that’s much better than the 11-12mpg I’ve been seeing lately.

X3…and they were delicious LOL, I don’t care what they are made of!

the throttle body isnt even 2.5" dia… no need for an intake tract to be any larger than that unless it was like 10 feet long.

if you wanted a cai to clean up under the hood some, I can build one from aluminum tube in like an hr for ya. its like 10 pie cuts to route it where ever you wanted more or less.

Intakes really only make a difference on F/I vehicles and LSx cars/trucks haha

and even then only top end power.

feel like the infiniti lost power with the intakes lolol. Looks cool as shit tho.

it’s not nutless. it does pretty respectable donuts.


The rear end weights nothing, thats why.

I’ve yet to have any smokey fun in the car. Tires cost too damn much

Bumpy Stick



oh fuck you.

It don’t feel nutless cause u never were in a fast car , my scooby does good donuts as well . So how good about now knowing a fagwagon can do what your ranger can ? And is Prolly faster !!!

i really doubt youre ranger does actual dounuts , ive never seen a small truck pull that off

I had a friend that had like an 01 ranger with i think the 3.0, that thing would burn the tires off if you wanted to