Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

There’s also a porn of the same title he will be making as well.

Hey Jake, IDK if you hear but I have a hood, bumper, crash beam, and air diverter for that yellow s2000… they are sitting in your garage if your looking for them

thanks buddy!

are you two about to bang?

and tape it?

Keep me updated…

yep ill send you link

We just did. PJB was there. I dun seen things, they ain’t not can’t be unseen.


In before PJB makes a serious post about the impossibility since he’s in Ohio.


“Ohio” AKA our adult film studio.

such a shame that gerbil had to die

Well, you don’t expect them to live for that long after they’ve caught on fire, right?

I mean, it’s not like it’s easy to put out a Vaseline fire.

He tried smothering it with his anus. But he let out a loose ass uncontrollable fart and methane had other plans for the little guy.

gonna start refining my sterling silver into pure silver bars, keep some and make baank on the others! Just need a hot ass torch, anyone have any reccomendations aside from the cheap handheld ones you get at lowes? Need something cheap that gets hot as fuck

would regular oxy/acetylene cutting torch work?

oxy-acetylene and be done with it

thats with the huge oxygen tank or w.e right? where do i buy a complete set up at and how much do they usually run?

I think they hay a small kit at Harbor Freight. Tanks are like 2 feet tall

check with a welding supply place… btw, an acetylene/oxygen flame burns at about 6,330F :slight_smile: