post your thoughts on the RX8

1986 BMW E30 M3 :slight_smile:

i would like to stay outside the trend of e30s :slight_smile: and i would like a car with less than 40k miles, so i stay under factory warranty

Weak :slight_smile:

a co-worker’s son bought one over the summer. only problem i’ve heard about is a starting/restarting problem that seemed pretty common from what they were saying.

I like the car overall but I don’t like a few things, crazy from fenders, and the rotary. Anen’t you supposed to shut the motor off from 4k rpm’s or something like that, when it’s cold out?

rotary DD? what about picking up a late model e36 or an early model e46?

bmw doesnt do it for me. i guess i dont belong on nyspeed

less posting…more logging out. thanks. <3

woody…not sure how you feel about them but…we have a porche boxter at toyota…40K miles 2004… 5spd.
It’s not fast by any means…but it’s a porche and would make for a great dd

Back a few years ago my boss had a boxster and a 911 carrera. Might not have been super fast, but the boxster was 100X funner to drive than the carrera. I really liked the boxster.

box > rotard

all mazda (current / production) cars are lame. zoom zoom, my ass

that’d be an awesome car. i bet it’s considerably more than what he is looking to spend.

i was thinking that, and usually DD’s are driven all year aren’t they? i dont see a boxter making a good yearly car in Buffalo…

woody can drive anything in the winter. he proved it 2 years ago.

all i can say is the rx-8’ mazdaspeeds in the grand am GT class were SEcs on wheelz when they ripped past at 9 grand.

my father has a turboII FC. and getting stranded with the hot start flood issue sucks ass.

Im sure the rotary forums can lead to a fix. the wankle is a interesting powerplant.

although i did prove to a lot of people that you CAN drive anything in the winter 2 years ago, i had to move a boxster around the parking lot at nissan just this past february… it didnt move much. with just an inch of fresh snow on the ground, it couldnt make it up a 5 degree incline. fuck a whole bunch of driving that year round, even with snow tires. that and its probably out of my price range anyway :slight_smile: my budget is about 20k

the 8 with snow tires should be just fine in snow. it’ll make for some fun dorifto action too :slight_smile: basically what it comes down to is im not going to have the z back out this year. i want a fun car that i can drive year round as a daily so i can at least enjoy the summer a little. the more i read about the car, the more i like it. i dont think ive ever seen a consumer rating of 9.5 on edmunds for any car before… now i have. i do want to hear more about this flooding problem though.

my friend drove an rx8 through the winter and owned one for around a year or so. you can email him at

his name is paul, you can tell him adam sent you

was it an enjoyable experience or did it end poorly?

he liked it… i didnt mind it, i dont remember his reason for selling but i dont believe it was for any other reason than he realized a 36k car may have been a mistake at that point in his life lol

I drove mine through last winter. No problems with snow tires.