post your thoughts on the RX8

I take it you got that job??

wait until you see his summer car! :clap:

Oh jeez, where do I start…

  1. DO NOT BUY AN AUTO RX8, they loose sooooo much hp to drivetrain
  2. Yes, gas milage is poor… but compared to the fun, doesn’t matter u will prob. get 18 if you don’t redline like me everyday,
  3. The car just screems to be put to its max, I often stay in 1st between stop signs and wind it out to 9k cuz it sounds cool.
  4. I don’t use a lot of oil, I assume every 3 weeks I will put 1/4 quart of oil in.
  5. I decided to buy a rx8 one because I hade a rx7 and got hooked to rotaries, two I didn’t want to drive a evo which is a 14k family sedan dressed up to 30k.
  6. I feel the rx8 has a balance of looks, comfort, handling, and power.
  7. I drove a 07 350z and was very uncomfortable. I felt cramped couldn’t see out the rear ext. Becuase I was used to the smoothness of the rotary I HATED how the 350z’s engine felt. It was rough and didn’t feel “good” so to speak.
  8. I know this is very unorganized but if you want to feel what a standard rx8 is like, let me know.
  9. You will be noticed, many people will talk to you about it, I feel its a novelty having a rotary and explaining to people theres 3 moving parts, no vavles, 240 hp in a 1.3 liter.
  10. I have not had any issues with my car, knock on wood. the car past the engine test during the recall. BTW the recall only affected 10% of rx8s mostly in the hotter regions.
  11. You might flod the car if you turn it on and turn it off immediatly (with out letting it warm up).
  12. Mazda says to rev. the car to 3k and turn it off when exiting (so if anybody sees me at mighty reving my car when I turn it off, its not cuz i want to show off) Mazda thinks by reving the car it will spin out any unburnt gas that may cause the foul of spark plugs and at $30 a spark plug u better believe i rev it.
  13. Once again please don’t consider a AUTO without driving the standard.
  14. I love the interior, back seats are comfortable, get the 2 tone-leather.
  15. A Car and driver top 10 sports car for 3 years., Look into the may issue of road and track won a bunch…
    Well, I have to go to lunch now, lol, hope this helps you out… go to for more info

wow. what a great post :clap:. is there really that much power loss from the automatic transmission? do you have any numbers verifying it?

After driving the automatic he brought home, it really seems like the auto tranny was holding it back. here to see Video
Can get numbers…

i would absolutely not buy the auto. the car was amazing aside from the tranny. i would have a lot more fun with the 6spd. we’ll see how this goes…i might be rethinking my financial situation and go for a cheaper dd. one of these cars definatly lies in my future though.

He got rid of it bec. he got the MR2! You knew that…

On topic: I really like rotary powered cars. I’d say go for it.

oh wow. your timing is great. woody was just saying to me yesterday when i asked him about this, “i think i’ll buy a blue one if someone like 91MR2 gives me his endorsement”. :tup: next time you see him, smile knowingly.

the auto hjas about 40hp less than the 6spd. just check the window stickers

i went for it :slight_smile:

Ok, did I HONESTLY influence you to buy an RX8 or was that all a joke? I don’t know whether to laugh or be flattered…

If I really did influence you, I want to drive it!

hah, well the positive reenforcement i got from the small number of people on here did help. really all it took was a 3 hour drive to cleveland to drive the 6spd that i wanted. thats what sold me. you can drive it any time :slight_smile:

drove it tonite…car is really nice…:tup:

yea haha i look over and like who teh fuck are these clowns chasin after me :eekdance:

lol…i had to…i saw u go by and mike and I were like is that Shrives…PS I love your bike…i cant wait to buy one

heh thanks man. If i didn’t have my backpack I woulda played :slight_smile:

lol…i wasnt expecting u too its all good…saftey first with the woman on the back…

yea ive researched about them back when i was looking to pick one up and found the same thing.

extended warranty ftw