Powder Coating price list.

Thank you Cptn and Sbardy. Oven is 9K watts, runs for hours at a time when I need it to you all can do the math on comm power to see the costs per job. Cost about $3100 itself. The gun & system itself is $1k, and I have alot in supplies for prep. Logistically powdercoating is really not as profitable as people assume for us, yet. I started it more to coat our own stuff on projects to produce a better final product.

I love a challenge… There are 2 powder producing companies, and 3 main distributers of those 2 companies product that EVERYONE (powdertech included) use to get the colors. Someone who wants wheels done. Pick the color, make it a hard one too. Bring me 2 of them, and bring the other two to ANYONE ELSE, maybe powdertech since they are 4 minutes from my shop anyway.

Lets compare the results. Price, quality, ease of transaction, turnaround time.

OR… Bring me your wheels to coat, you can ride with me to the sand blast guy to drop them off, ride with me to pick them up and see what the actual cost is if you don’t believe me. Then we can order the powder together too, when it comes you can sit and watch the entire process to see exactly what goes into them labor wise, and ill show ya my power bill. :slight_smile: Then write up a review on what ya saw.

LOOOL i know you too well. just come retrieve your silvia mauve valve cover from my premises, then we can talk stickarz.

Nope. If that were the case, I would stand a chance at NOT wasting my time and wheels might then to be a valid asset to my business. Anyone can go on google, search for “powdercoating fourms”, then inside them search for “price check” or “Wheel prices”… every one has a running thread on that subject where the people in the industry share information, to be consistent and try to avoid gross under cutters putting out shit product and gross over chargers that tarnish the business the other way aswell. Also people in there all agree that wheels, unless your a 100% powdercoating only shop, are the biggest wastes of time & $… but everyone wants wheels and when people think powdercoating first thing in their head are wheels.

My prices for solid single colors are on the ave to lower end of the going rates. My candies and 2 or 3 color jobs are FAR less! 100% powder shops charge per coat, same price. IE $100 for a single color, any type of second layer goes on and they are now $200 ea (mine are $120), Base, candy, extra clear those guys are $300+ a wheel mine are $150+/-. Epsos powdercoating, in Statin Island is one of the BEST coaters around, big into the Euro scene around here. Call him up and see what they charge!