Pre-Paid Legal Services....

Someone brought to my attention some pretty amazing services available. I am not sure whether any of you here are aware but I will tell you. It works like an insurance policy and covers you legally in many ways. The membership is $24 per month.

-Ever get a speeding ticket in another state and had to pay it because you couldnt make the drive? A lawyer from that state will make the appearance for you.

-Medical bill disputes? Your covered with an attorney.
-Insurance company dicking you around? Your covered.

Anyone interested?

is it just that that they will do or anything you can think of??

did you read the fine print?

Praxair offers, as a benefit, enrollment in one of these. A few bucks a month and a bunch of services are covered. IIRC the numbers worked out so that it’s not a bad idea if you know you’ll be buying a house that year or something like that.


is it just that that they will do or anything you can think of??


They cover you pretty much all around…lawyers for every type of incident. If you guys are interested…I will get you all more info. You get a member ship card and if you get pulled over for ANY reason, you can call and consult an attorney at that moment. Shit…I think its definately work it.

Lawyers to help you with ANY issue that may come up…including healthcare, dealing with insurance companies, civil suits, Criminal activities, etc…covers everything.

As much as people speak about getting pulled over…or getting tickets for loud exhaust…this may be something worth while to look into…I will gather more fine details and post later.

Hmmm, what about things like creating legal documents for businesses and what-not?

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:8,topic:38421"”]

Hmmm, what about things like creating legal documents for businesses and what-not?


All covered my friend.

Do these lawyers also perform back-alley abortions, too? Is there a list of the lawyers in the network?

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:10,topic:38421"”]

Do these lawyers also perform back-alley abortions, too? Is there a list of the lawyers in the network?


There are over 1,000,000 lawyers in this network…and I am not talking about $50 per hour attorneys…big law firms. I will post more detailed info…I am trying to feel out interest at this point.

I’m interested, I just want to know more about it.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:12,topic:38421"”]

I’m interested, I just want to know more about this.


I will gather details and have a second thread about this. Stayed tuned.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:12,topic:38421"”]

I’m interested, I just want to know more about it.



ive heard good things… i think theres some thing about u have to have for 90 days before u can use the service or somethin? like u cant get a ticket, then sign up right away for them to handle that case

^ I will find out details :slight_smile:

i got my DWI in NJ, went online, found an atty, called him, mailed him 500 bucks, and never stepped foot in NJ. Case was handled by him, never went on my record either. No need for pre paid anything.


i got my DWI in NJ, went online, found an atty, called him, mailed him 500 bucks, and never stepped foot in NJ. Case was handled by him, never went on my record either. No need for pre paid anything.


$500 vs. $20 that you would have paid…pre-paid is definately worth it.

ehh, yes ur right, i misread that then, so its 25 a month and everything is covered for DWI?, im sure that there is some fine print tho. That seems way to low.


ehh, yes ur right, i misread that then, so its 25 a month and everything is covered for DWI?, im sure that there is some fine print tho. That seems way to low.


law of large numbers. same as insurance policies & such.
