Ticket Insurance Could Mean Never Paying Another Speeding Ticket

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Don’t like paying speeding tickets? Now you won’t have too, if you buy into a new service called Traffic Care.
Founded by retired police officer Troy Simpson, Traffic Care works as a ticket insurance that picks up the tab for ticket fines and for subsequent increases in insurance premiums, MyFOXKC.com reported.
“A ticket is written every 2 seconds in America,“ Simpson told the TV station, “I knew that the traffic ticket industry — and it is an industry — is a billion-dollar-a-year industry nationally.”
Simpson now taps into that industry, by offering to cover ticket costs for a monthly fee of $12.95. Traffic Care members are allowed up to seven moving violations per month, including “speeding, red light, seatbelt, stop sign, yield sign, illegal lane change, anything considered hazardous,” Simpson said. Parking tickets aren’t included.
At $156 a year, some drivers may question the service’s worth. One Traffic Care customer told the station, however, that she’s never gotten a ticket but pays for the peace of mind. Traffic Care says 80 percent of its clients never get tickets, the station reported.

Click here for more on this story from MyFOXKC.com.

cool idea i guess
but for people that never get tickets its pointless
and also seems like it would influence people to speed and not to wear their seatbelts and such just because they are paying for it
just my opinion though

I’ve never even been pulled over lol… I guess seidmeier would like this.

paging sedlmeier.

Knock on wood, I haven’t gotten a ticket since I was 19.

This service could payoff for certain people… but otherwise its prolly about as cost effective as pre-paid legal.

And I thought people were bad drivers now. Just wait til they start using this service and thinking they are above the law…

OMG I WANT… realize you have ultimate driving protection other than injury and death obv

7 moving violations per month??!!!

I just don’t see this lasting long. For 158$ a year you can drive like a complete asshat and get away with it?

Well, You can still lose your licence not to mention there will probably be an adjustments in courts when word gets out about this service.

thats def worth it when your average speeding ticket is $200+, where do i sign up?

i would like to know the same^ also does it matter what insurance company you have? i dont think it would but jw

uhhh heres a novel idea…don’t speed?

how many times are you actually charge with a moving violation. exactly thsi guy is no help to me. smart idea though. however if you have 7 moving violations in a month you are not going to have a license.

edit: this shit only works if you do not go to court and just pay your tickets. when the court reduces tickets they reduce them to non moving violations. so pay the 12.95 a month and in 3 12mph over speeding tickets.You will get 11 points so for him to pay you would plea guilty.so great he paid your tickets. now you have shit insurance and no license.

You will still get the points.

Also most places reduce speeding tickets to parking tickets. It’s not like your going to get your charges reduced and still have this guy pay…


Not a bad idea.I might need to look into this.

even if you only get pulled over once this summer (which most cars on this site have trouble doing) usually the ticket is bad enough that $150 or what ever it is would be worth it for the year. not saying that you would go on a crazy ticket spree, because you would still lose your license. if you get 1 speeding ticket all sumer and it costs over $200 then a whole year of protection would have been worth it.

i beat you to it. In conclusion you are a fucking idiot you pay for this

well, we could just let them pay for it so we can read the thread they start about getting ripped off when they get their first ticket.

^that is a good point. and also i am scared to see the people driving around thinking this insurance is a way out of tickets, acting more reckless and retarted than usual.

Edit: it would be stupid to just go off and sign up for it, but it was even better to think out the (+) and (-) of it because at first glance it does look too good to be true

From their website:

Tickets Covered

* Speeding (including school zone and work zone)
* Seat Belt
* Stop Sign
* Illegal Lane Change
* Failure to Yeild
* All other hazardous citations

Amount covered

* 100% of face value of the ticket
* Increased insurance premiums paid
* Driver Saftely courses paid
* Defensive driving paid

Could still be worth it if you plead guilty then go to class to reduce the points. Since they’ll pay for the class as well as your increased premiums.

But I wonder, what happens when you renew the service for the next year. Your car insurance premiums will be higher, since you’ve had moving violations, and this higher rate is now your “Normal” rate…Does this company pay your higher premiums for all 40 months or however long it takes to reduce your insurance rate?

From what I see, the real advantage is in the commercial protection they offer. Delivery companies, taxi’s, people that drive for a living might actually find benefit in this…Though NYS screws us with points.

You can go to nys driving school court appointed class.that is not the nys point reduction class though.You can only go to the point reduction class once. nys watches that. it is not worth the rate in insurance. take a fucking day goto court reduce it and thats it.