Ticket Insurance Could Mean Never Paying Another Speeding Ticket

It depends on how often your insirance company actually runs your record.

Not every insurance company runs every customer, every year fyi…Sometimes if you are settled in your policy for a while, and have no tickets or claims after the probation period, your record may not be checked until you have an accident. At least that was a couple years ago mabey it’s mandatory now for a yearly check.

They just pay the fine, you can still lose your license and get points on it.

It’s not for people who actually get tickets. At $13/mo there’s no way he could take on anyone but ultra-low risk customers.

He’s selling piece of mind, not a license to drive like an ass.

I would buy this for one month when I was taking a cross-country road trip. You don’t get points out of state anyway, so $12.95 for a license to speed like hell the whole way would rock.

No not really, I’m assuming a majority of us have quite a few “parking” violations. This would do nothing for that.

If you get one ticket a year, this might be worth the time alone. Plead guilty, and save the 4 hours wasted in the courtrooms.

If you are constantly getting tickets and need to avoid points to keep your license, then it is not worth it.

I do love how the retired cop is blatently telling everyone it’s a moneymaking industry though. Bet the current officers don’t like that too much. :slight_smile:

paging sedlmeier101

okay, assholes.

I’m signing up as we speak :wink:

too bad I got more tickets in two days than you are allowed in 1 year. :frowning:

this is pretty decent… the only problem is that you driving record will still get the ding and your insurance will still go up.

If I look at all the fines I’ve paid over the last decade it would have been cheaper to buy this insurance.

I wrote him already asking, if I go to court, and get it reduced to a parking ticket will he still pay the fine?

it clearly states no on parking tickets. That is part of how this works. The majority of tickets are reduced to parking tickets. this has been out for a while now. I have thought about it many times but in the probably 20 speeding tickets i’ve had I have only paid 1 speed violation fine of nearly $200.

I’ve never had a speeding ticket reduced to parking… all of mine go to 1110a

besides, if it goes to a parking ticket then you don’t get points so you should be HAPPY.

Thats how insurance works though, or else they would be out of business. I’ve never had a heart attack or anything that is bad enough to use my health insurance, but I would still not want to go without it.

Cool idea, I just don’t see it being profitable, unless they can cut deals with states and insurance companies to give them better deals than they would give individuals. That is the only chance I see it being profitable to them.


it can be profitable… you have to remember that people still won’t want to get tickets because of points and driver suspensions.

just like how a homeowner won’t want to burn down his house just because he has home insurance.

Exactly, and I really do think it is logical for someone who speeds, but doesn’t get pulled over often, but is in the risk pool for getting a ticket by chance.

Get one ticket, plead guilty, and let them pay the charge and insurance premium increase, and you don’t have to dick around for 4 hours in court.