Pregnant-this possible?


I think I missed something (truthfully, I only scanned the thread).

Is she pregnant? Or claiming to be?

Either way, I’ve got $20 that says she was banging some other dude and if she IS pregnant, doesn’t want the BF to know she has been sleeping around.




im not going to read all 4 pages but, my friend is a nurse and he told me that he learned that the ph levels inside a vagina are too high for sperm to live, so all the precum does is neutralize it so the sperm can live in it, but all the precum dies while its neutralizing so you cant get pregnant on precum, or its huighly unlikely basically.

then your friend should also know that sperm can be in it sometimes

Unlikely but possible

This thread is full of misinformation.

This is totally possible…its how I was concieved.

does your friend have $450?

true thats why he told me its just unlikely not impossible

My buddy’s 2 year old says it’s not that difficult. :stuck_out_tongue:

And if you need 'em, I gots crazy prophylactics.

lol@ didnt go deep enough, someone needs to school these kids on the location of the hymen.
He fucked her belly button if she was a virgin and it didnt pop.

hymens like an inch in

who exactly in there right mind would come on HERE of all places to ask THAT question? lmao…

Btw guys, my aunt is terminally ill, i was wondering if there was a place where i could purchase some ricin or cyanide to, you know…do the job. Anyone think this is a good idea? I figured you guys would be helpful on this subject…

Coathangers are 450 now?!?!
God damn gas prices.

next time put her on top. she cant get pregnant its gravity

your friend must have failed physiology because that^ makes me lol. well, some things were correct ill just clarify a few others. and to whoever said it didnt go in deep enough, the vagina isnt that long and when sperm is in the presence of hormones secreted by the female (vaginal lining and ovum) it will be drawn there like a heat seeking missile. the vagina is more alkaline and inhospitable to semen so your friend is correct, but that pH changes during the ovulation cycle just as women are most fertile around the 14th day in the cycle, and the pH then becomes more conducive to sperm survival. semen contains plenty of high energy nutrients for sperm to survive and travel towards the egg. many sperm die within 6 hours but can survive up to 1 week. However as you may know the cowper’s gland is what is responsible for sperm being in the pre-ejaculate resulting in pregnancy. it made me lol when someone said what was on her finger wasnt enough to get her pregnant. personally i think this story is a bunch of bullshit, but each drop of semen contains millions of sperm. while over 99% die, it only takes 1 to fertilize an egg. also, Plan B morning after pill cannot be used after 3 days of ‘conception’. this thread is so ignorant its annoying, kids should stop having sex until they understand and can account for their actions. :blah: