Pregnant-this possible?

i have a 13 step program that will help this problem. its called the stairs to my basement

greatest movie ever.

Kick her in the stomach for being such a conniving bitch.



but seriously i have tried the pull out method just because “it felt better” but i said fuck it im 19 and i dont need a kid crying every 13 seconds yet. so Condoms all the way, i mean what its not that much for a box.:wtf:

Think you pay the same price to fill 1/2 your gas tank to buy a box of 72. Its common fucking sense.:wtf:

Alternative: Ditch this bitch and find one that will let you fuck her in the ass, then your problem is solved no babiesor,…
Become gay

And yes almost all chicks are crazy(including mine once every month) But some will do some sick shit for you to stay with them.

who cares if she gets pregnant shake the baby like a miraca problem solved

lol like a miraca

Im still sktechy on this thread, it just doesnt make sense how those kind of stuipd ass questions are being asked. And not to meantion that this is the LAST PLACE anyone should be asking those kinds of questions , but it did bring to mind this little thread from a while back.

Thank god for BC. My gf is on the shot :hitit:

Yeah it’s a troll account. Heck, the registration email is “” I’m just not l33t enough to figure out who it is, nor do I care that much.

if not ill help you give her 4 shots to the belly

i just blew it on some chicks stomach last night… i better stop that

I can never convince myself to pull out. So I need to wear condoms all the time.

Feels so much better to blow it deep, then fart on her stomach instead and giggle myself to sleep.

Cum can run out of her ass onto her pussy and bam baby.
So that fails too.
I’m so scared of having a crying kid around I stick with head as much as possible.
If I have to break down and throw the dick, its a condom and a spermacide.
sometimes I swear sex just isnt worth it.


Well…yeah…everyone knows that. lol

i just blew it on some chicks stomach last night… i better stop that
Oh snap!

Cum can run out of her ass onto her pussy and bam baby.

That would be a shitty baby.

oh my fucking god im pissed i didn’t get in on the first page.


wear a rubber and make sure she is on the pill…not 100% but sex is worth it


I’m HIV positive it can happen.