Why are you attacking MSSC? they’ve been around for a while now too…
Why are you not agreeing with your mentor and questioning Sasha’s shop?
Why are you attacking MSSC? they’ve been around for a while now too…
Why are you not agreeing with your mentor and questioning Sasha’s shop?
actually no, Im working at Sequence, which is why I came to its defense in the first place.
MSSC is more of a hangout than it is a business, hence my jumping of ships.
BAS attacked MSSC last year on this forum and I didnt let that slide, just like Im not letting this attempted bashing slide either.
BAS just likes picking fights as to insinuate that its at the same level as the business’ or people it talks shit about. Smart, but stupid.
Sequence Garage is one of the fastest up and coming shops in ontario, it already outgrew its first location, not to mention its success on the track.
BAS is some guy welding (not to say he isnt welding nicely lol) ebay intercooler kits in his moms garage in the middle of nowhere.
Look at all this free publicity for BAS! you should update your website because it alone makes your argument look as silly as your riced out supra
bob, andrew thanks you for the defence, It’s interesting that the ONLY two people that actually KNOW me in person and have had work done, in this whole thread, are the ones who came to what should have had to be, my
defence. it’s interesting to note that both these gentleman are in the Eng. field as well, as such they are quite able to make QUALIFIED statements from first hand knowledge of my work, I didn’t ask them to comment or pick sides, they did it of their own volition.
However, the ’ antagonists ’ in this issue have never met me, know nothing of me, base their opinions on the slight of hand and contextual BS bing and some other insane people throw their way… It’s interesting to note also that over the years I been here it’s been the same group of people who get together to bash on me with the same old out of context examples and arguments.
It’s also interesting to note that my ‘bannings’ came via bing, most of the time against other admin’s wishes and always to protect or remove questions about bings products and/or practices… it’s worth noting also that bing modifies, deletes and omits posts that he does not agree with or question a product or a claim he makes…
With that in mind, Bing and his buddies stepped into this post… and attack me, NOT the other way around. To those that were civil and had valid comments I was in turn civil back… to the kiddies and their grade 5 antics. well they picked thier own means of conversing.
As for this ’ calling out ’ crap… WTF? where did that come from I asked a very valid question, in a valid way. If somsone decided to take it the wrong way then then can take it up with me and ask to have the post removed… but you guys couldn’t do that… you had to be 8 year old’s and pick a fight.
I guess you dont know what INSINUATING means but you started this thread in an insulting manner towards Sasha and SG. I now work for SG and am therefor offended. Im sure you are a great welder, but I will again stress the previous point, SG is a real shop, BAS is a pipe dream. Get over it.
It’s amazing that you claim to know SO MUCH about me… yet every time I’ve been around or invited you up for a chat, you run the other way as fast as possible? yet you claim to have this vast store of knowledge about me… simply amazing…
LOL it’s funny you made the same claims about MSSC last year… now they are a hang out spot…
oh and the FINISHED supra, ( not to be mistaken with the picture of the car jut back from paint…), was sold years ago… yet you know SO much about me… :rolleyes:
I’d actually LOVE to see you ’ stand up to me’ so far all you’ve done is run away…
how am i running away? I’ve been responding to this thread for two days.
but shit, its almost 8 and I live in downtown Toronto, gotta go. Have fun on the internet all saturday night on an August long weekend. Give warcraft my best regards.
Bing are you calling my s13 a budget-mobile? Because if you are, you’re being even more arrogant.
It’s ONLY insinuating IF your not confident in your claims and reasoning… it’s pretty obvious b the speed and number of people attacking me, trying to redirect the topic… that I it a VERY VERY weak point in his/SG’s armour( of arrogance so it seems).
When you GRADUATE from UNIVERSITY with a POST grad DEGREE then you can TRY to flame my ability, skill level or education. Speaking of where’s your fabrication work in all this…? from the game you talk you’ve got to be a riddler award winner all on your own.
honestly Bing, i thought you were alot more mature then this.
You get paid lots of money to not get dirty? that doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. Pllleeeease i get paid 70/hour to window clean… does that make me better than you ???
i think it’s YOU who needs to learn alot of other things, and so do the rest of us… so we don’t end up like you.
what a jerk.
a lot of you make me sick. and im glad ive left “i own a 240 club”
Ian, buddy, i didnt even know who you were until last year…
you were banned by Greg… the same guy that locked this thread. All the evidence is in the admin section. You happily got involved in all kinds of drama amongst a group of individuals i had nothing to do with that resulted in your banning and the banning of Mike at the same time as well as one or two other individuals.
That was under the name Rotorkami Wa or someting.
You were then banned again, NOT BY ME AGAIN, for some other ramblings of which i honestly cant remember.
By that time you had crossed my path and i was vaguely aware of you, note after two bannings not by me.
I banned you after you, time after time, called me out. I had to go through a lot of bureaucracy to get that ban and you were NEVER unbanned… you simply came back when we switched to VB and i didnt REBAN you because i keep giving you the benefit of the doubt.
You were also banned off TSR multiple times and banned from toronto nissan depsite being a vendor… none of those bans had anything to do with me.
You also ripped a variety of people off in failed group buys that pre-date your SON bannings which is what started alot of the early antimosity towards you. I also had nothing to do with that.
So basically, you just lied again a whole bunch of times in your thread there.
I’ve been accused of moderating certian people or moving threads many many times when it was NOT me, it has happened in threads directly related to you and your ramblings because the other moderators and admin also cannot stand you.
I can provide links to specific examples where you or your buddies were moderated, accused me, only to find out later that it was not me… but no apologies were offered.
Basically you are wrong in almost every way.
Even your supporters have caught you in lies, for example your accusations that i had all kinds of club money in a secret bank account and was living off the interest. You made these claims on WESTD. The people who actually had the money you said that i had are on that forum and they came to me and told me about your lies.
Those specific lies are far worse than anything ‘childish’ i might say in response to your comments.
You have also made a variety of specific violent threats to various people on here, many of which have been documents and saved in hardcopy lest you be so stupid to act them out. For some reason, i think you are that stupid.
You will never be able to get away with your bullshit on son240sx, ever.
bing dont undermine my power on this board. i locked this thread for a reason.
i didnt hang a sign saying please continue to post for your pleasure.