Question for Sasha

and you still haven’t answered the question, or maybe you did, you chose to turn this into a personal attack, via your bum buddie… classy.

Don’t reply to my posts please.

It hurts my mind to get down to the level of your posts.

But hey, atleast Sasha’s posts use propper grammar.

maybe you should stop directing questions at me then… hey there’s an idea.!

there was no reason to post here, yet you chose to not only do so, but attack me with it… so me replaying was something unexpected? whatever asshat. maybe when you decided to man up to the personal attacks on me over the years I’ll give a shit.


I’m going to save a copy of this thread to give to your son when he’s 10 so he can see how much of a loser you are. - making art of sleek monster”

I don’t know about art, but you sure made one fucking ugly monster with your supra.

why wait that long, come by and I’ll le you tell him in person… then you can reiterate all those comments, personal attacks you’ve tried to lay on over the years… but your not that much of a man.

wow another bing-esue attack, using an unfinished to car as your attack of ’ how ugly it is’ ANYONE who’s seen that car in person LOVED it, plain and simple.

Hahahaha!! So you actually admit that’s your car!?!? Can you fabricate me a gauge cluster like that for my car??

You know everything aside…

BAS welded up my size exit exhaust for the truck. And it was impeccable. He warrentied it for life.

The labour was cheap, the work was top notch. Tigged 304, with show quality welds that weren’t undercut and structural, 3 stainless v-bands, stainless muffler and cat, stainless 3 bolt flange, and he even welded my cast elbow to fit. He took his time and he did a series of pie cuts to get through tight spaces.

If you don’t cheap out, and you give him the time he needs, he’ll give you a remarkable product that you will no doubt be infinitely happy with.

This guy can weld.

Bing, your seriously pathetic…

Bing here is some of Ian’s work:

Heres some of my recent work:

Bing don’t bla…bla…bla my comments, show me some of your hand fabricated work and testing. Sasha stuff stays out of this, I like what Sasha is doing at SG.


Unfortunately I couldn’t get any pictures with the exhaust off the truck…

Bing I wouldn’t cut anyones work up, seeing as you do non of your own.

This was done in a few hours. The guy is passionate about his work. Workhorse really.


Anyone who tells me to learn to weld or fab is an idiot, bar none.

I get paid lots of money not to get dirty, maybe i should give up a career so i can connect steel… yeah okay…

and besides, the stuff i produce in my name is better. I quantify that by the fact that 3 years into it everything you guys said would happen didnt.

The arms you guys said would fall apart are on all of the top S-chassis cars in the country and are stading up to task.

If you ask me… you guys need to learn about alot more than just fabricating. Otherwise, you’ll end up like Ian here… no better off 15 years later.

Bing that reply was pure arrogance or you are just trying to make me angry.
I’m not even going to continue this, you know everything.


Maybe you should step down off your soap box before learning to connect steel.

In fact maybe you should take your Hotel and Food Management degree and frame it on the wall of your cubical.

Connecting steel certainly requires more skill and knowledge then crunching numbers for a chartered accountant. Which by the way, anyone with any sort of business degree can do. Way to break the mold.

Ian does this work on the side as a hobby. He works in the Aero field in engineering. Such a lame job compared to calculating balance sheets, right?

Anyways, before I go any further…

Those were two good examples of Ians work. Just to clear the propeghanda you’ve spit out about the quality of his work.

Ed’s pictures were from TSR days, he’s since moved on.

He’s a nice and quality guy. Seriously, he’ll bend over backwards to make sure you’re satisfied. That alone is hard to find nowadays.

it’s alright, bing must be on his rag. :slight_smile:

but i noticed he rags a lot…

Yeah, it’s an all too common occurance unfortunately…

Someone needs to keep him in line…

so I’ve gathered from all of this…

BAS is what happens when a total ricer learns how to weld and his mom lets him use the family garage to open a “shop”.

Hey can you fab me up some lambo doors?

Still working at MSSC?


You should go now.


We’ve already gone over this bob, i do have an honours degree, not from a community college, like yourself… if you even got it. And then Post-graduate designations…

And welding is ALOT easier… hence why Sasha picked it up in 4 months… and his welds on my car are not leaking btw.

And i dont work with balance sheets, but hey… good call on that too.

I actually have a lot of fun bugging you like this Bob, because you always end up on the short end of the stick… Ian too.

This thread was about Ian calling out Sasha when obviously Ian’s work speaks for itself having only found itself on budget-mobiles.

where are all the 300whp+ cars going? SG, not BAS… and there is a reason for it.

Just as there is a reason why my business continue to grow despite the two of you spreading rumours about this and that. It’s because people dont listen to you guys… thank goodness. A few years ago i was worried that people would… fortunately in general, people are rational and see past your bullshit.

I also took my car to Sasha, and look at the awesome stuff he’s working on now… dont you feel left out?

People’s skill and capacity are reflected in their life’s achievements, Ian is still on an interet forum, after having been banned multiple times NOT by me, decades after any of us will grow out of it.

It appears as though you are heading down that same road… beater after beater.