
Say you where going to trade something with someone on a website.
For example:

Your trading your rims for a set of tires.

Your in PA the guy your trading with is in CA.

How would you be sure the guy from CA is going to send the tires?

For instance. You sent out the rims, and your waiting of the guy from CA to send the tires. What keeps him from not just keeping your tires?

Paypal each other the $$$ value then return the Paypal when product arrives…kind of a deposit

Ok well lets say the guy gets your rims but then says he never did. And takes his money back

should get a tracking number and delivery confirmation. as well as insurance

delivery confirmation. never thought of that. that could work

ok lets say this then to your response. The PA guy ships a box. The box is delivered with confirmation but its just a box no rims. Says it was shipped, but no product inside and then takes the money which was deposited by the CA guy.

You should have signature confirmation and see if only he can sign for it. That way if its something it isn’t suppose to be he can be like that’s not what I ordered.

but can us and fedex do that? I think i remember seeing a option on paypal for that when printing out a shipping label but i wasnt sure.

plus there could be a easy answer to this if you could inspect the package/contains before you accepted it.

has anyone actually traded anything with anyone on the net before? if so how did it work out? any problems and what did you all go though to see that you got your item for your trade.

Well I know if you use ups the shipping weight is posted on the ups tag attached to the box plus when you look up the tracking number is post the weight there too. So when he tries to say you shipped him a empty box then you ask him why it weights 50 pounds.

Well lets say you trade a book for a book. Who knows if your getting the right book unless you open it?

I have before. It worked out perfect. I would one use paypal for payment and make sure you make a note on the payment exctley what you guys are doing. Two ship it by ups or fedex so it shows the weight of the box. Three ( I didnt do this) take pictures of the box as you pack it and tape it up.

Or Do a 3rd member transaction.

Yes you are right. Open the box and see. Then I would contact the guy and ask him what happened. Save all the email between you guys and if he doesnt make it better turn him into paypal and get your money back.

i ALMOST traded a guy in Canada, I meet him on forums, just as i was to ship i backed out.

The entire deal felt strange, he wanted me to ship to him 1st and was going to send out my stuff when he got his, i said forget it, he started offering free stuff, and more free stuff, and then more, to the point where he was going to be overnighting me 2k worth of stuff for 6oo worth of my stuff, i realized it was a bad deal.

Same issue though, i couldnt find a way to verify i was going to get what i was suppose to get from him.

so if you do find a way to secure these types of transactions lmk, im interested

The best way to do this is through an Escrow agency. Basically, use the escrow agency that ebay uses, that way you know it is a legit company. Send the shit that you want to ship to the escrow agency, and have the other guy send it as well. The escrow agency can then look at the product, take pictures if need be, show them to you for verification, and then forward the product to each respective party.

That is the only way I would trade something with someone over the internet.

Where at in CA are you trading. I have a few friends if they are local you could use them as a middle man.

Also as for this Escrow service. Ive never heard of this thought of the idea though. How does it work and how long does it take for the transactions to process? Due to you pay to ship it to them. And pay for the escrow service to ship it out to?

tjz28 ftw… he will be middle man

I would get a phone number, talk with him, then do a Yahoo search for the name and make sure the address is correct. Then as Mentioned take pictures of the box being packed, box packed, box taped, box labeled, and maybe even the box on the scale showing the weight. Have the other person do the same, then after you see the tracking from his end in transit, ship yours. I have made numerous trade deals, with only one going bad. I did end up getting my stuff, but it took about a month or so. And make sure you threaten mail fruad, a postal fruad will happen if you dont get your shit in a timely matter.