Quitting Smoking

I’d like to quit also, The cost of BIC lighters is outrageous :kekegay:

Yeah I personally don’t understand it either, I’ve never had any urge to start smoking.
I know a lot of people that start because of the “cool” factor associated with it these days…early in life ever…6th-7th-8th grade even. Kinda sad…I also know they aren’t even addicted though, and they just do it when they are out with friends and such to fit in…

It’s easy to tell when they can go on vacation for a couple weeks and not smoke once, then come back and go out and smoke up a storm…

Either way, good luck on quitting and congrats on the effort.

I agree…my parents smoked like crazy…I used to be a great sprinter in elementary…by the time I got up to high school it took me 12 min to run a mile and had to stop constantly bc the asthma just got worse and worse!!

We Finally talked my mom into smoking out side and not in the house when she moved in…therefor I am only around smoke when I am in a bar, LET me tell you the difference!!

One night in a bar honestly can keep me in bed the next day for a good 15 hours…

I dont know how the people that do smoke handle it directly…

I think one of the best ways to get through this is to hate it…you have to mentally tell your self that its disgusting to touch so that when it does come around you, you wanna throw up inside of light up.

As any habit its hard to break, but it is doable! Congrats for trying to quit!!! Good luck!!!

don’t start in the first place :dunno:

hindsight is 20/20 pal.


you know the shit is bad for you before you start, have some self control and don’t give in to peer pressure.

no, were talking about quitting here, not starting. The ones who are relating to the difficulty in quitting, are already smokers.


it’s too early for this :smiley:

It’s bad for you, peer pressure, don’t do drugs, economical standpoint,…call it what you will. Some people do it, so don’t. I’ve smoked a couple times, but I never got addicted. I think the ADD helps with that. You start smoking, then see something shiny out of the corner of your eye and forget you were smoking. Hell, it took me 5 minutes to type this because I kept seeing my cats running around and I forgot I was typing.

remind me never to drive in your vicinity.:scared:


if you total the integra, you can buy a nice car :moon:

:hahano: oh man, them’s fightin’ words…

:rofl: :rofl:

I smoked about a pack a day for 10 years finally decided enough was enough when the price started creeping towards $5 a pack. I quit cold turkey September 28, 2002 and I haven’t touched one since.

I heard good things about Chantix, made by Pfizer Inc.

were you the one that just said you drink alot?


I bought a case of beer 3 months ago and still have 15 left. With 3 kids, i don’t have time to drink. :smiley:

my mistake :bigthumb:

i drink alot…


i drink alone…