Rallyx 11/3 - what are the odds?

What are the odds that both front wheels shear off the car during an event? At least it happened at different times. Here are pics from one of them. The wheel went about 300 yards before hitting a fence at the tree line.

All you need is a thick gold guido chain and you gots yo self some BLING BLING.

LOL pwned!

needs to gold plate that thing.

but seriously those wheels were pretty new…

cheap tire rack specials winter wheel combo… makes you wonder?

Just makes me want to get into rallyX more

It is awesome. Please realize that this sort of thing doesn’t usually happen.

I would say that the odds increased significantly if it happened once. :gotme:

Seeing as the last time something like this happened was because Randy purposely drilled holes in his steelies to make them lighter, no one thought that it would happen to an otherwise ok wheel. It’s not like the Brighton has gobs of power or anything.


It is awesome. Please realize that this sort of thing doesn’t usually happen.


Tell that to her…

So when and where is the next event?

Schedule isn’t yet ready for next year. Possibly January. Just keeps your eyes open and it will be posted here when its ready.


Tell that to her…

