hmmmmm, while i agree, and therefore everytime i get pulled over i give the utmost respect to cops, i have to disagree as well.
some laws can be downright retarded, and therefore to be pulled over, and have one of these downright retarded laws enforced sometimes feels like someone has it out for you.
for example, i think it was in N dakota…no oral sex was allowed. now, while other people are out getting murdered, or someone is robing someone else…wouldnt you be pissed if you were enjoying a blowjob and got fined for it? BUT DUDE YOU WERE BREAKING THE LAW. meh, doesnt fly with me.
loud exhaust is something you mentioned. mine is stoopid loud. i love it. someone on here has a f-bod that shakes my teeth when it revs. fucking love it. if they, or i, or anyone else got a ticket for it, i would sympathize. as long as they werent a dick to the cop, did lie to them, or treat them like they werent out helping the community, then getting that ticket is bullshit IMO.
why? cuz it is a tiny hypocritical. harleys RARELY get tickets for loud exhausts. i know there is a place for this law, and yes it sucks to have really lud cars drive by your house/car full of kids/outdoor resteraunt while you are enjoying a romatic meal that hopefully leads to oral sex (not in N dakota)…but lighten up, there are lotsa things people do with their cars that endanger lives that dnt have shit to do with how loud an exhaust is.
its all about perspective