RANT re: Cops

meh, its WS cops that hassle me most. theres a routine i follow when i get pulled over now, it goes like this

  1. car off
    2 interior lights on
    3.windows down
  2. keys on dash
  3. insurance liscense registration
  4. hands on dash with afformentioned paperwork
  5. couteous conversation
  6. no tickets

its the hassle all the time that bothers me. they know im not doing anything illegel and i never will be. they just like to pry and dig sometimes. its usually late a night when they bother me. prolly cuz they get bored like every other graveyard shift. i understand theyre just doing theyre job. all i was stating is that i get annoyed by the bullshit and i dont like being accused of things im not doing wrong. i hate that, be it a cop who does it or my g.f my mom or best friend or whoever. for the 5th time, I DONT MIND GETTING PULLED OVER FOR MY TINTS OR EXHAUST. i dont like getting pulled over for no reason for them to make one up on the spot. this is why i dont come on here and talk about these things. my friends used to say the same shit. till they rode with me. all of my friends have been in the car when ive been pulled over and they see things from my side. its bullshit.