honestly… it looks like a “gangsta” car, or something driving by someone young… There’s part of the problem, it SCREAMS LOOK AT ME!!!..
because i dont have shniny paint?
honestly… it looks like a “gangsta” car, or something driving by someone young… There’s part of the problem, it SCREAMS LOOK AT ME!!!..
because i dont have shniny paint?
the stripes look shiny…
yeah… it must be the centerline wheels.
too bad you didnt have the bimmer and get pulled over, you could claim your gay and get the cops on a hate crime haha just kiddin
since it wont let me edit my last post i forgot to mention that that bimmer was pretty hot tho, i think rebmann or mroz still has a pic of it somewhere
honestly… it looks like a “gangsta” car, or something driving by someone young… There’s part of the problem, it SCREAMS LOOK AT ME!!!..
I sort of agree… it doesn’t look “bad”, but it deffinitly looks like a car that a younger dude would be driving (and most likely up to no good). I’ve come to learn that blending in with traffic>sticking out like a sore thumb
i used to get pulled over in the bimmer just as frequently. that was a great time.
lol. that thing was sweet, is that still in the area? and still pink? i havent seen it since you had it.
ahh remember the good ole days in boyscouts too? lmao
because i dont have shniny paint?
Honestly… no BS…
Spray-bomb flat paintjob; non-stock hood; red-stripes; “fancy” writing on the front and back windows; dark and “customized/fancy” tint… And to be very honest if that same paint/hood/tints were done to an import most of this board would be screaming “RICE!!”
thus looking like a hoodlum car; AKA associated with illegal things… AKA being harassed by cops due to “profiling”… There’s the bottom line.
If you want/have a car that sticks out like a sore thumb, be prepared to be noticed, good or badly…
I think it screams white trash drug deal…probbley why you get pulled over.
the front window is clean now. and that hood is straight from the vette in the movie Friday. im a bit gangsta i guess.
. and that hood is straight from the vette in the movie Friday.
And what was Friday all about… Smokin the reefer… thus association… there’s your answer…
I have nothing against the reef though…
At first I thought you were being a smartass when you said, “what’s wrong with this”, but now I think you honestly don’t understand why the cops are looking at you.
You do realize a cop puts up with a ton of shit every day. They deal with scumbags the rest of try to pretend don’t exist. Most of them have families. Every day they get up and go to work, look their families in the eye, and know that there is a chance they may never see them again. Sure, we could all die in a car accident on the way to work, but if you’re a cop there is certainly a lot more risks than your average 9-5er.
So day after day they do this job, the vast majority of them doing it because they believe in those words “protect and serve”. For every one who got the job because he needed a power trip there are hundreds who do it because they want a job where they feel they are giving something back.
Now put yourself in that guy’s shoes when he’s pulling you over for the 10th time because of some equipment violation that you feel you’re special and don’t have to follow. Basically, you’re saying, “Fuck you pig, I want tints, I don’t respect the law, your job, or you”. The first time he just gives you a ticket. The second time maybe he doesn’t remember you and gives you another. By the third time he remembers you, or maybe the third ticket comes from his buddy who mentions the white trash looking rattle can camaro. So he talks to a couple other cops and before you know it the entire Cheektowaga PD force is watching for your very easy to spot car.
Police don’t live in a bubble. They see fellow officers dying, or being permanently disabled on the job just like the rest of us. Except instead of being able to say, “Glad I don’t have to deal with that at my job” and changing the channel, these guys know that tomorrow it could be them. They pulled over the wrong car with tinted windows and couldn’t see the passenger with a warrant and an illegal handgun who was determined not to go back to jail. Bang, that wife you kissed goodbye this morning is getting a knock at the door from a captain. That son has to get the talk explaining why daddy isn’t coming home.
Now do you understand why they might take it personally when you basically spit in their face constantly? Grow up.
what about the exhaust? your passenger could still have an illegal handgun and shoot the cop. doesnt matter what they pull someone over for.
also what excludes professional athletes and limo vehicles from the tint law?
ugh you guys still think that i was arguing about the whole illegal shit on my car thing. I AM FINE WITH THAT. give me the tickets for what im doing wrong, but when im not doing anything wrong dont tell me i am and try and convince me that youre right. want to give me an exhaust ticket? go for it. want to give me a tint ticket? RIGHT ON! its when they pop me for shit that im not doing, i get mad. in my original post i said they profile me to be something im not just because of tints and exhaust, and possibly the redneck sticker in the back window.
oh and B-fry i misread your one post, i thought you said putting a system in a car is not legal.
honestly, i dont think anything besides the tint, exhaust and maybe the paint, says pull me over moreso than any other muscle or sports car. in all seriousnees please indicate what other flags you guys notice. it no longer says “ridin dirty” BTW.
well maybe its the camaro thing, i got pulled over tonight by NFTA none the less saying that i was going 45 over (i was at 10 over tops.)… and the cop mentioned the fact that i was driving a red camaro with teens in the car. hes like… your exgust is loud. and your pretty young to be driving this car (im 18 cop was maybe 22) so after he was done shouting i took my ticket and will be at court April 5th… any suggestions?
we should have this sticky’d as a Bitch About Cops thread and it can be a place where, y’know…
you bitch about cops
or get in stupid arguments
what about the exhaust? your passenger could still have an illegal handgun and shoot the cop. doesnt matter what they pull someone over for.
also what excludes professional athletes and limo vehicles from the tint law?
You just don’t get it. It’s not about the danger you breaking the law creates that pisses a cop off, at least not when it’s an equipment violation. It’s the fact that they are just trying to do their job, a dangerous job to protect people, and you want to flaunt that you’re better than the law. And for stupid shit no less. Oooh, it’s so important that you have no muffer on your car so everyone thinks you’re cool. It’s not like you’re driving around with some rusted out muffer you can’t afford to fix. You put a loud exhaust on there, knowing full well it was illegal, but you don’t care. Do you seriously not see why that would piss a cop off?
Tint laws are there to protect police, simple as that. How many guys with warrants do you think are riding around in limos, hoping they don’t get pulled over and have to open fire on a cop? Hell, when was the last time you even saw a limo pulled over? Stop trying to justify your breaking the law with stupid shit like that.
meh, its WS cops that hassle me most. theres a routine i follow when i get pulled over now, it goes like this
its the hassle all the time that bothers me. they know im not doing anything illegel and i never will be. they just like to pry and dig sometimes. its usually late a night when they bother me. prolly cuz they get bored like every other graveyard shift. i understand theyre just doing theyre job. all i was stating is that i get annoyed by the bullshit and i dont like being accused of things im not doing wrong. i hate that, be it a cop who does it or my g.f my mom or best friend or whoever. for the 5th time, I DONT MIND GETTING PULLED OVER FOR MY TINTS OR EXHAUST. i dont like getting pulled over for no reason for them to make one up on the spot. this is why i dont come on here and talk about these things. my friends used to say the same shit. till they rode with me. all of my friends have been in the car when ive been pulled over and they see things from my side. its bullshit.