RANT re: Cops

coppers tryin to catch me ridin dirty, ridin dirty.

i have nothing against cops at all, my father is one… and i understand completely what they go through each day… its rough. i find it kinda ironic though when i was sitting pulled over, that 2 cop cars were there, and 2 cars clearly blew the light and the cops did nothing. also not real happy at the fact that ive been pulled over on multiple occasions becease in young and driving a sports car. its kinda funny when the cops says “joy riding in your dads car” almost makes me mad… but then i think about what they must go though each day and the ass holes they deal with. this is my first ticket, and im looking at 8 points… cause the cop had to do 70mph to catch up to me (he was at dead stop.) ill admit i was goign maybe 15 over… but he said 70. one other question… are cops trained to call people “Son” not a fan of the 22 year old calling me son. happens every time ive been pulled over. any suggestions on what to do in court next week?


i have nothing against cops at all, my father is one… and i understand completely what they go through each day… its rough. i find it kinda ironic though when i was sitting pulled over, that 2 cop cars were there, and 2 cars clearly blew the light and the cops did nothing. also not real happy at the fact that ive been pulled over on multiple occasions becease in young and driving a sports car. its kinda funny when the cops says “joy riding in your dads car” almost makes me mad… but then i think about what they must go though each day and the ass holes they deal with. this is my first ticket, and im looking at 8 points… cause the cop had to do 70mph to catch up to me (he was at dead stop.) ill admit i was goign maybe 15 over… but he said 70. one other question… are cops trained to call people “Son” not a fan of the 22 year old calling me son. happens every time ive been pulled over. any suggestions on what to do in court next week?


pretend youre Shaggy(singer not stoner), say it wasnt you.


pretend youre Shaggy(singer not stoner), say it wasnt you.



God I love when cops hassle morons. :tup:


… they know im not doing anything illegel and i never will be…



Yeah, I’m going to take Nikuk’s advice and just say fuck it, you’re too stupid to ever be convinced you’ve brought this attention on yourself. But, I have to say this. You’re driving with illegal tint and exhaust, which obviously the police have told you about at least once, yet you keep doing it. No simpathy for them “profiling” you.

The good news is that with the cops constantly after you, it leaves less of them to catch me for speeding.

If only they could prevent this kinda stuff also!

Speeders are kewl!!! Untill you murder a helpless 2 year old.

(Cheektowaga, NY, March 23, 2007) - - A two year old boy was killed in a horrific crash that firefighters say was the worst they’d ever seen.
Investigators believe speed played a role in the fatal accident, which involved three vehicles.
Police say a speeding SUV plowed into the back of a Grand Am that was stopped at a red light on the corner of Kensington Avenue and Century Road Thursday night.
The impact sent the Grand Am across the intersection, slamming into another car. The SUV skidded off the roadway, and traveled about a thousand feet before hitting a parked car and then a house.
Rescuers used the jaws of life to free a two year-old boy pinned in his car seat in the back of the Grand Am, but his tiny body could not withstand the damage already done.
Cleveland Hill Fire Dept. Asst. Chief Joe Lewis said, “My guys did a great job, we had the roof off and the child out in a matter of minutes, but the injuries are so severe there’s only so much you can do.”
“This is the worst accident I’ve seen, and I’ve been in the fire service over thirteen years. This is the worst one I’ve been on so far.”
Two adults from the Grand Am are listed in critical condition. No arrests have been made.
Cheektowaga Police will be holding a news conference at eight o’clock Friday morning.


If only they could prevent this kinda stuff also!

Speeders are kewl!!! Untill you murder a helpless 2 year old.

(Cheektowaga, NY, March 23, 2007) - - A two year old boy was killed in a horrific crash that firefighters say was the worst they’d ever seen.
Investigators believe speed played a role in the fatal accident, which involved three vehicles.
Police say a speeding SUV plowed into the back of a Grand Am that was stopped at a red light on the corner of Kensington Avenue and Century Road Thursday night.
The impact sent the Grand Am across the intersection, slamming into another car. The SUV skidded off the roadway, and traveled about a thousand feet before hitting a parked car and then a house.
Rescuers used the jaws of life to free a two year-old boy pinned in his car seat in the back of the Grand Am, but his tiny body could not withstand the damage already done.
Cleveland Hill Fire Dept. Asst. Chief Joe Lewis said, “My guys did a great job, we had the roof off and the child out in a matter of minutes, but the injuries are so severe there’s only so much you can do.”
“This is the worst accident I’ve seen, and I’ve been in the fire service over thirteen years. This is the worst one I’ve been on so far.”
Two adults from the Grand Am are listed in critical condition. No arrests have been made.
Cheektowaga Police will be holding a news conference at eight o’clock Friday morning.


yeah, I saw that… just terrible :tdown:

Wow thats horrible, what time did it happen?

Let’s get real for a moment. In the good ol’ USA, as it currently exists, just about every damn thing is illegal in some way or another. Cops have lots of discretion in “enforcing the law”, in deciding what to go after and what to ignore. This is what gets many car people upset. Just for two automotive examples that annoy me: Cops never seem to stop assholes riding those incredibly obnoxious Harleys with no mufflers for noise violations. The other is speed enforcement. It is pathetically obvious that speed enforcement is designed to maximize revenue, not safety. If safety were the point, the speed traps would be in residential areas. But instead, they are on the Interstates and other limited access highways. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that 80 in a 65 on the Thruway poses a hell of a lot less risk than 45 in a 30 on a 2-lane residential road.

Then you can get into the serious stuff. Police corruption, profiling, etc. I fully acknowledge that police work is dangerous and that there many examples of courage and even heroism among police. But the “system” could do with a lot of improvement.

laws are written, and there for open to some form of interpretation.

thats just how it works, and will never be changed. over time the language
can evolve as to limit misinterpretations, but it is a painfully slow process.

i have recieved tint and exhaust tickets… i knew it from the start.

i also hate how statistics are used. you can make spped a factor in every single crash ever recorded. if one of two bodies are in motion… speed was a involved.

you can rant about police… but i only in their interpretation of the laws.
(or complete lack of knowledge)


i have nothing against cops at all, my father is one… and i understand completely what they go through each day… its rough. i find it kinda ironic though when i was sitting pulled over, that 2 cop cars were there, and 2 cars clearly blew the light and the cops did nothing. also not real happy at the fact that ive been pulled over on multiple occasions becease in young and driving a sports car. its kinda funny when the cops says “joy riding in your dads car” almost makes me mad… but then i think about what they must go though each day and the ass holes they deal with. this is my first ticket, and im looking at 8 points… cause the cop had to do 70mph to catch up to me (he was at dead stop.) ill admit i was goign maybe 15 over… but he said 70. one other question… are cops trained to call people “Son” not a fan of the 22 year old calling me son. happens every time ive been pulled over. any suggestions on what to do in court next week?


you say, “your honor, i will admit that I may have been over the speed limit, but I CERTAINLY was not going 70mph.”

If he asks you how fast u think u were going, make something up, like 60-65. The ticket says that you were going 70mph, if you can convince him that you were not going 70, then u have a chance of getting out of it.

Have you spoken to the DA yet? If he doesnt knock it down ide be surprised, but if you take it to trial and come up with some kind of evidence or decent argument, then u have a fighting chance. Make sure you get a supporting deposition and when ur in court, ask to the radar gun print-out


:bloated: :2fingers:

They aren’t your fucking slaves. They’re hired and paid by tax money to enforce the law, not to wipe your ass and give you a hug on your way to work.


hahahahahahaha!!! now thats funny shit

youre all fucking dense. i dont know how else to say it so i wont anymore. either youre not reading my posts or youre completely fucking illiterate.


youre all fucking dense. i dont know how else to say it so i wont anymore. either youre not reading my posts or youre completely fucking illiterate.


yes i saw them, your posts are absolutely hilarious. I seriously pissed my pants at work, my g/f just brought a new pair because your replys were so damn hilarious, i thought i was going to shit myself also. Please go into standup, you would be amazing and sell out arenas the very 1st night.


youre all fucking dense. i dont know how else to say it so i wont anymore. either youre not reading my posts or youre completely fucking illiterate.


you you are the fucking dense one. Your car is illegal, as such it gives the cops an excuse to pull you over whenever they want and check out the rest of your car to try and see if they can get you for something bigger. Until your car is legal STFU about it.

lol. i still have those wash clothes if you guys want them. i know its a nice day, so if you go to the beach make sure you keep sand out of your already swollen vag.

this comming from the guy crying that he is being profiled by the cops :bloated:


this comming from the guy crying that he is being profiled by the cops :bloated:




If only they could prevent this kinda stuff also!

Speeders are kewl!!! Untill you murder a helpless 2 year old.



Speeding + SUVS + fuck traffic signals FTW
I speed.


But seriously

Thats what they get for driving a grand am.