Rear-ended, need help

Nice, good to see you got more than you paid for.

Look at the wrinkle in the rear quarter. No fucking way is 200 even going to come close to covering it.

Go through insurance, it’s his fault, his company pays, your rates don’t go up, you make more $ off the deal.

I thought you always had the right to buy it back? Or was the price not worth it? Either way congrats on making money on it. You should be able to find an even better beater Honda for that price.

:tup: Way to read guys.

Judging from the pics the bumper popped out of its front mounts due to all the rust. BUT. The trunk looks like its pushed in and probably cant be opened/closed. Thats a bit of a pain repair. So in all fairness is 200 bucks enough? Meh id say no. But is it 2k worthy? I doubt it. He rear ended you, call the insurance before he calls his and says you backed up into him. I assume there is a police report somewhere?


Stop suggesting he go through insurance, or ask the guy for $X… Look at the post above. It went through insurance, they totaled it, he’s getting $1325.75. The A.D.D. is strong at NYSpeed today. :lol:

lol…oh damn.

LMAO thank you JayS

Hahahahhahahahha jays

Dude no way take the $200 it is worth at least $300.

Are you buying it back?

Dont take the 200 u definitely can’t do anything with that…go to a professional and get a rough estimate and then offer to take only that amount.

Unreal :tup: :lol: