Reccomend me a Cell Phone Company...

Yeah so I’ve got a family plan with 1 pda and one phone. I have had both data turned off and data turned on on said PDA on family plan. You can pretty much do whatever you want, except have a blackberry with no data.

Verizon / i760


Thanks for the valuable input though.

because that was so much better.


In the past I have sold phones for just about all the carriers. As far as reception goes no one can touch verizon around here. At&t comes in second, sprint third, a couple of cans with string attached to them fourth, and testicular mobil in fifth.
Att has the best phone selection but verizon is starting to catch up. I think the big complaint people have about verizon is the control that they have over the software of the phones. I don’t think it is a big deal. My phone does what I want it to and I always get a signal.


I think that was true a year ago but ATT has caught up in the coverage area with Verizon so it’s a moot point now.

I’d go with ATT and the phone above ^

it’s a Chinese knockoff Iphone that runs WM6 and has the features apple is lacking on (MMS/Flash/etc). I may actually sell my phone on ebay for one of these


Wait for the HTC Diamond.

^ Steve, no 850 will fuck you around here.

:tup: looks like a real nice phone. When do they come out? any pricing speculation?

You can buy the phone already but to get the subsidized price from AT&T, you will probably have to wait til mid summer I am guessing. You can get the phone from Hong Kong for around ~$700. I would guess somewhere along the lines of $450 - $500 give or take.

The first thing you need to figure out is what are you priorities with a phone :

Email first?
Phone second?
Media player third?

If that is the case - a Blackberry hands down

If phone first, email second, I’d still say Blackberry.

If you want media first - look elsewhere, however the Blackberry CAN play everything, it’s just not as nice.

you must not have played with an 81/88/8330 yet. i use my mp3 player every day <3

BB Sellout!! :wink:

dude, i’m like a walking advertisement.

Do you have your BB hoodie on today?

you know it. this shit is comfy.

Im switching to Verizon and getting this

really? i do like that phone.

edit: if its a company phone, talk to me. :slight_smile: