Recent Network Changes

Hi all,

I am sure you’ve all noticed the major updates this weekend with the userbar at the top of the forum and the addition of Pittspeed and the pending addition of OMC into the network. There are more forums coming in 2011 and I do intend for them to be more closley related to the core userbase of SON240sx (nissan, drift and racing related… oh, and Canadian)

If it confuses people then i really apologize, however, i assure you that the vision is one that is inclusive of all and one that respects the integrity of individual communities and management. Surely you can understand the significance of joining a young forum network like this with a structure that is unlike anything else on the internet. Whitey (a 240 guy who runs pittspeed) and Zep (Rick who many of you know from TNC, a forum 240sx owner) have taken a leap of faith and we intend on making good on that for the benefit of all.

As the weeks and months progress please contact me with any serious concerns over feelings of alienation or with strong feedback about what we’re doing. In fact, feel free to post here.

I still own and drive a pair of 240sx’s and i consider them a part of my family so please don’t ever doubt my commitment to son240sx. But in an effort to stay relevant and even grow in a social-media environment that is being dominated by facebook and large mutli-national forum consolidators we had to make decisions and take actions that will position us well for the long term… either that or fade away slowly.

I hope that what we create will provide an optimum platform for developing our regional communities and hobbies through events, discussion and content that is interesting and engaging above and beyond what we had before… a regional car forum for a chassis that was discontinued 13 years ago :slight_smile:

anyways, feedback appreciated…

Hi guys

Bing from my perspective i think this is a great site and has alot going for it. Like you said with everything changing on the net something like this is needed.
I do like the fact that their are many forums into this one large network. It helps not having to sign up constantly to various forums, registration usernames and having to keep track of all them.

I don’t have a 240 or a nissan for that matter (Yet) but i love what i see. (looking for a nice one)

It will take people abit of getting used to but it will work… The new vb 4.0 version is abit weird all together. This took me a few weeks to get used to and i have made many forums before, so i can see how it can be hard for some people to adjust and then to a whole network.

But good things always move forward with a few hickups.

Im excited to have my new forum integrated onto the network . This will benefit us a great deal. Also we will be having booths at some of the shows and the motorcycle supershow.

Non car related but still i invite all to come check us out once in a while.

Bing and Team great job guys.