Red Rocket vs. Hometown Hero

yea it was the car.

i’m glad he didn’t sell it.

hey i didn’t get it. try to send it again if you can.

Thanks for the love man. Yeah, I was stupid and wanted a 5spd IS300 for a while. They’re sooooo sick tho. I still want one.

Me too. This car is built so well. Chris Dempsee (sp?) was talking to me at the track and he told me he did most of the work on it for Matt. Small world. Just imagine if I sold it to some kid that just used it to fake around… I don’t think I could take it.

im in the same position, i hope my car sells to either someone cool or some ricer far, far away from me :Idiots


Today: Class and regular BS until 4pm. Go to shop, see an IS300, i want. Meet up with some Drift Hustle guys. Cool, so we roll down to Lebanon Valley to check out the parking lot for the Drifting events. It was honestly discouraging. The pavement is much worse than I thought. Course design will need lots of work, going to talk this over with Talmont more. On the way we pass the place I got pulled over, last time we came out to LVD to talk about drifting with Howard, by a white SUV nassau PD (officer just thought I didn’t have a seat belt cause I had my harness, no ticket guy was cool. Was with Wallace both times).

Go to dinner at friendly’s, cool.

We end up going to the lot (yeah WTF?) not exactly my cup of tea, but it was cool there were sooooo many cars. I actually liked some of the civics (eg hatch) with those “speedholes”, etc. Definitely refreshing to see all the different cars. I could rock one. On the way home, to get onto 787, pass the place I got pulled over by a Blue Crown Vic since the officer thought my muffler was too loud and he saw that I had an NYS inspection sticker, even though the car is registered in WA, no ticket again).

Come back to RPI, go to the formula shop. Work. Go to g/f’s dorm. On the way back to the formula shop, around 12:50am, get pulled over by a Sheriff? (red and white lights only on a white SUV). Officer told me my rear license plate light is out. Which it is, and I plan on fixing that next week. Ran my stuff looked up if i had any tickets, which i don’t. Guy was really nice.

Go work at the FSAE shop until ~2:30am. Told one of the guys I got a pulled over right outside the shop, and the previous times I got pulled over. As I left for the night he jokingly said “Don’t get anymore tickets!”

2:37am Drive to price chopper to get some gatorade. Driving all slow and stuff. I don’t know why but I heard a noise like scraping, so i put the clutch in and let my car coast for a good 1/2 mile into price chopper. As i was turning in I see a blue crown vic behind me. “OH MY GOD you have to be kidding me!”. BTW this is the place where I first got pulled over in the car cause I was leaking fuel. I just stop the car right when I get into the parking lot. I do my usual routine for being pulled over - which is turn everything off.

He walks up to my window (which doesn’t work). He stands there waiting for me to do something… like open my window.
Me:“my window doesn’t work, can I open the door?”
Police:“yeah yeah”
M:“is this about the license plate light?”
P:“yeah, and your muffler is a little loud” (true, but it sounds good?)
M:“I just got pulled over at 12:40 about that”
P:“yeah april is license light month”
M:“wait really?”
P:“may I see your lisence?”
<I hand it to him>
<looks at it>
“okay have a good night”

-passed place where i got pulled over
-passed place where i got pulled over
-got pulled over
-got pulled over at a place where I previously got pulled over.

All the officers were actually really nice. Like back on the west coast police aren’t that nice. I think they knew I wasn’t trying to do anything wrong.

So there. Your car is not as annoying as mine. Failtown. Oh yeah I’ve done some work on the car, but nothing noteworthy. Was it a good day overall? Yes it was warm and Alex has his car! Oh wait no it was not a good day because WALLACE DIDN’T GIVE ME A DRIFT HUSTLE STICKER!!!1111

*BTW who is the guy who was talking to me about RPI-accepted students day…? If you ever come back I’ll give you a tour of the shop before I leave for HonDUHHHH

Ill story man, four times in one day, no ticket, that has to be some kind of record. These cops are just out for anyone it seems. Side note: How’s the FSAE car coming? What engine you guys running this year? Lastly, I am not the guy talking about RPI-accepted students day (as if), hahaha.

With my luck, if I got pulled over four times in one day, I would have 6 tickets :rofl

Failure to dim headlights? 2pts? FML

Relax. I kindof had to explain why i was at rpi when i dont go there.

Car is done, just fine tuning it, and getting drivers acquainted to it. CBR F4i. Next year is a YZF 600 i think? Skipping tomorrow’s autoX for FSAE and I’m poor.

yeah so if you’re around and want a tour of the autoshop (or FSAE shop) let me know.

*Sneaking in some pictures…

Wasn’t busting your balls- it’s some sort of inside joke because I spend a good amount of time in the shop when I have been out of RPI for awhile. I’m sure you’ll like the guys there, good group. Tungsten will hook you up…

So on my second day of work…




Overheating again, so bumper had to go.

Actions pics haven’t surfaced yet… I’ll post them when I get them. Ended my day because I ran out of tires. $15 5pm to 10pm ~8 drivers = awesome amounts of track time. Had to drive home on ^^^those front tires and with the bumper in the passenger seat.

There is a competition on the 30th. I’m going.

the video is sick:excited
i might have to drive up next time just to watch

You should… But Ohio is pretty far.

SO LVD should just pave the speedway and add an infield.

They should do alot. But hes a cheapass. Look how long it took to redo the trailer trash bathrooms.

Looks good tho. man i wanna get out and try me some drifitng. I havent done much. I probably have more hours in snow drifting then driving. ask mcflurry about that one :lol

Your job looks boring… Wanna trade?

If I get to go to Israel.

I forgot to mention the best part. Met up with Formula D driver Dennis Mertzanis for lunch.

Nice video! Looks like your camera mount works well!

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fuck you dude.

looks sick mike. oh and yea i can mail you some drift hustle stickers!

Good good. You need my address? I Pm’d it to you.

Here is the same footage with music. Cause this song is awesome.