Redline limiter removal?

Everytime I do a redline run, or drift on track, sometimes I forget to look at the rpm and bounce off the rev limiter. However, I noticed that there’s still a lot of pull at at redline, kinda sucks that it gets cut off by the limiter. But reading around, some people raise their rev limiter through reflashes or some sort like that. Thinking about going this route as well and bump it up to 7000rpm.

So my questions are…

  1. Anywhere that reprograms ECU to raise rev limiter locally?
  2. How much power is there in that red line?
  3. How much engine damage or wear and tear if I go into that redline?

I’ve gone 7500rpm on my engine before (accidental misshift from 6th to 2nd) and the engine is still fine…

Thanks for reading.

  1. I’m not sure what you mean “locally?” Are you asking if you can buy something “locally” in Toronto to raise the redline, or are you asking about programs that let you just easily raise it? Regardless, a technosquare ECU reflash can be ordered where you can have the redline increased. Of course, for just a little more money, you can get a fully user-adjustable UTEC to control those parameters yourself.

  2. You’ll need to dyno that to know for sure. But honestly, I’m pretty sure that with our engine (i.e. not the REVUP) without mods like a plenum spacer, MREV,high flow cats and exhaust, horsepower starts to drop around 6600-6700 rpm, making an increased redline pointless (aka you’ll actually go slower on drag strip).

  3. The stock redline is there for a reason. Going above it at anytime is risky. Fact: increased revs are more stressful on the engine internals than forced induction is, and by quite a difference, too. I know people on who’ve increased the redline to 7000 or 7100 without too many problems (again, not worth it though unless you make the other mods that will help you make power there). Reving to 7500 rpm on our engine is something I would NOT suggest you do again: you’re just asking to snap a piston ring, or worse.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

By locally, I meant as someone in toronto being able to retune the ECU to raise the rev limiter… or someone locally reflashing it… highly doubt it, I dont want downtime of the car either by sending ECU to get reflash in the states. UTEC IMO is overrated… I rather get Emanage Ultimate or FCON V-Pro…

From what I’ve seen so far from hitting my rev limiter on more than enough occasions, there’s still plenty of pull and the engine’s just asking to be freed. It feels that the engine still wants to pull through and break the rev limiter into 7500 :D. I’m sure there’s still plenty of power there, but of course, adding plenum spacer and other breathing mods would help the high revs in that areas as well.

You have to remember that Nissan designed that stock redline with safety in mind. The real redline is probably a lot higher than we think it is, I’ve seen people on my350z raise their redline to 7300 and not have problems. Obviously Nissan has to push the rev limiter with more than plenty of room just so something ****s up, they can’t get sued.
But that’s surprising… increased rev doing more damage than FI…

I’ve redlined my engine to around 7200rpm before by accident after downshifting from 6th to 2nd when exiting to a highway ramp… I meant for it to be 4th… haha. But after that time, still not a single problem. That isn’t the first time I’ve gone past the rev limiter either. So I’m not really sure how to think when it comes to going into redline.

Dammit… I wish I could do what Nitrouz is doing… Twin Turbo with built engine for 8000rpm :eek: :eek:

What you “feel” isn’t necessarily what “is.” You want proof? Go dyno your car with an increased rev limiter (you’ll need a technosquare reflash, at least). I GUARANTEE you that all you’ll get above 7000 rpm is noise. The dyno curve will show horsepower levels nose-diving above 7000 (probably even above 6800), which would prove my point.

hmm… I think a plenum spacer will solve that issue easily… Front cylinders ain’t getting enough air after all…

I’m pretty sure my butt dyno feels pull at redline. It’s a BUTT dyno after all! Butt are usually insenstive. hahahaha

Plenum spacer won’t help you make power above 7000 rpm, though. Yes, the front cylinders are starved of air, so the spacer will help the engine make more power throughout its current power band… not above it.

Heh heh… “butt dyno”… :smiley:

its not power you feel at that high of the rpm… its prob just the jolt of an acceleration at such a high rpm… i would not be thinking of raising rpms… just concentrate how to get more power in the area you want it at then trying to raise… at redline you probably make as much hp at probaly 4-4500 rpm… dont take my word on that im just making an example. :slight_smile: