Refresh car with some lost power and milage?

Pitch? Fuck that, I’ll pickup the whole order for him.

Ahmed, SON has actually become very useful to many, however, when ANYTHING involved you, it becomes a shit fest, such as this thread. I took advantage of opportunity I had and It seemed to have gone well.

I can put money down, that if ANY other son member asked the EXACT same question, they would have gotten a very helpful answer, and probably some even better advice.

When you seem to troll in, it just allows us to show you how ignorant you are. You say EVERY thread and member on here has turned to shit, yet I strongly disagree. Only the threads you seem to chime into turn to a forum board shit fest. You get responses you obviously don’t like, than react with childish pictures, and constant edits, and re-edits of your post to deceive other viewers thinking your correct, and the post below you is in avoidance.

You can’t even play your own games well Ahmed.

SON hasn’t gone to shit, you have.

nice find, this thing is crazy!


ahmed, please teach us more about this

Martino, martino my boy, are you agitated? Huh? Need a pillow? How about a hug? How about some rough homosexual sex (go to mark/.fobwall).

I understand your concerns, however I would recommend you go see my secretary the “i could care less about you lady” otherwise nicknamed “not really there to care”.

Keep typing maybe you’ll catch up to my typing speed :wink: Whipe your rear end while you’re at it, cause your intellectual dialect has diarrhea all over it as well :wink: Got a strong grudge against me, sweeet, more brainiacs to have fun with :wink:

It’s simple really, if you cant answer intelligently and ruin a thread, then i can respond just as intellectually as your pursuit of greatness of how to try to mock me :wink: Aka you fail at life. Now unlike Mark it seems you do have a real life (maybe) :wink: Or perhaps not? Seems like my aphrodisiac odors have attracted you as well, i offer you chinese secret formula to great success, but much to your dissapointment, I am not homosexual like mark, so follow his scent for great satisfaction. :wink: Results in real life gauranteed :wink:

On a more serious note, clearly I’ve made the mistake of actually asking for local advice, therefore it’s the last time, hwoever I’ll continue to have my fun with your level intellect :slight_smile: That’s the bottom line.

He says he likes you, he had fun with mark and wants you.

Ahmed is getting owned by everyone.

I love how Ahmed is attacking everyone and being pretty fucking racist…and then all of a sudden he’s “Okay” and talks like nothing has happened.

Anyone notice that Ahmed is like a woman…mental wise?

Mark stop being so butt hurt (pun intended) and misdirectional about the visit those hairy men made to your home.

So you’re saying there’s something wrong with women mentally? You know it’s a free western society, it’s legal to marry the same sex. I’m sure you’d be interested, I know… I know you are inclinded towards me so much to even begin to think like that, however I am married to a real female, that leaves you out of the picture. Look for gay bars for companions.

You know deep inside you are searching for a mate that’s why your name says =( half the time on msn and you tell me shutup when i ask how are you doing … you’re really sad and cant admit it.

By the way repeating something that’s not true, will not make it true. For example. Saying I’m getting owned. Hard to really see, when it takes 10 ppl to ‘own’ one person. Secondly, no different than saying im banned ‘everywhere’ like gonad said… when clearly ive only ever been banned here and on zilvia (for reasons of insulting american soldiers who happen to be mods that was the cause of the ban). So like many other son240 ‘truths’ (eg; my car being a taurus automatic), there’s hardly any real truth… ever :wink: All the repetition in the world won’t make it more truer, sure you can bring in ppl onto here to be against me, while i could care less behind some stupid online world where its all fun and everyone is retarded. Clearly your faggot ass in real life wouldnt talk to me or anybody else for that matter the way you do in real life. People are not as big or large or small as their nicknames in real life.

And stop fucking googling and posting all these stupid pictures…you always talk about “maturity” but for Allah’s fucking sake, look at yourself for a second.

If Allah actually had a human image, I’m sure he’d facepalm you right now.

Here’s a taste of your own stupidity…

^^I think he’s just going through some really fucked up midlife crisis…it just hit him a lot earlier i guess.

I’m actually starting to feel sorry for the guy. I don’t even think a 5 year old brat can even throw this much of a fit TBH.

Oh well, his thread’s are always a good laugh once in awhile. It was fun while it lasted but I think things are starting to get repetitive here…time to shit on a new thread ahmed.

Wait wait wait.

Is it just me or is he strong on the gay subject all of a sudden? Certain things I care not, nor would like to know Ahmed.

But besides that, I’ve just be informed your married? Wtf was she thinking?

She just married a middle aged man with the mentality of a 6 year old. Good call on her part…

EDIT: Wait a second…why are you even on here acting like a child in the first place? Your that boring you must fulfill other dreams on local and non-local forums?

DOUBLE EDIT: Since I didn’t see your re-edit. It didn’t take 10 people to own you Ahmed, It seems i’ve accomplished that with the few words spoken on my first post.

Mike… I always wondered why in the world she would marry someone such as Ahmed.

I just hope to God that Ahmed isn’t like this around his wife.

Well he is strong on the subject of people being gay because he has a wife and that must mean that he isn’t gay?

Also, shouldn’t someone who’s married have better things to do than to throw tantrums on SON all day and night long?

Go help your wife with the dishes, laundry, and make yourself useful Ahmed.

They should, however, just like many other things, Ahmed seems to fail in this category as well.

haha i litterlay was in tears reading this. you guys are SOOOOOO my fucking heros.

keep it up martina

EDIT oh and ahmed just stop trying man, ever heard of digging yourself a grave?

all u need to get laid

Lol, oh I have.

lol @ Ahmed sending me msgs on MSN… don’t ask why I even have him on MSN.

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva said:
lmao fag
i sked a question
then u started shit
u deserve to be dissed ur a faggot

Maяk - said:
lol how old are u

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
older than you

Maяk - says:
then that’s sad

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
i dont need a lecture from THE biggest hypocrite fag in the world and thats you

Maяk - says:
really sad

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
no its not sad
and ur not funny
deep inside u know it and i know it
ur a loser
u need attention

Maяk - says:
i feel sorry for u man
im sorry

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
u need comfort and recognition
u need to be loved
and ur not loved
ur desperate to be loved
ur not funny at all no matter how hard u try
and im not ‘owned’ buy anybody on there if it takes 10 ppl to ‘own’ one person
quite frankly i showed what u guys really are about
i dont pick no damn fights u start it anyways
and seriously man get urself checked up
u really need help
otherwise some fags will again do what they did n come to ur home (which is retarded but serves u right being just as retarded)
i get a chuckle out of the comments
not to mention lies u guys spread amongst each other about me LOL keep believing them
its pathetic at best
most of u have no frickin lives
but u specifically have some personal issues inside issues

Maяk - says:
dude what’s wrong with you man?

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
ur a fucken nerd guy
nothing wrong with me actually what is wrong with YOU

Maяk - says:
talking about e-thugging, look at yourself coming here and swearing at me on msn, give it a break man

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
this has nothing about ‘e-thugging’
if anything ur the biggest ethug of them all lol
until u get confronted in real life
as u did by those fags
then ur a big pussy
get a taste of fucken reality
son240 is not life
its not real
ur not funny

Maяk - says:
Picard…just read what you just wrote, and see who’s the real hypocrite

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
ur not even fucken intelligent

I stopped talking to him after that…

added more…he just kept talking.

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:

well u know how it is
u guys can believe ur in ur own lil happy world together all cuzzy in ur homo beds
and thats fine n dandy
supporting each other and the lies u can belive all u want
just like ur faggot jojkes about taurus brakes
just like ur faggot jokes about automatic
about everything
at the end of the dya i know myself lol and i know what i have and what i do and what i know
and u fags can keep believing and speaking whatever u want
but honestly on a personal level
u need fucken help mark
i sure hope some fags contact u again randomly cuz u keep starting fights on son
ur a piece of shit life form
white trash like that polak kid can support u
kind of drunk polish trash i went to high school with
who dont have a fucken brain beyond going UUUH UUH FUNNY and making disses that dont even make sense but get supported by equally retarded morons
like wise martino
so fucken fucked up that they wait for the moment to say anything when they get the chance while other times i shut them the fuck up
i could sit in a corner and observe your retardation too
ur a piece of shit inside and u know it
probably becuz all da kids made fun of u and ur prebuscent mustache in high school lol
and it takes 10 of u fags to “try” to talk down to me
shows what a fucken weaklings u actually are
if u were put one on one in a conversation ud be brain dead in a second
anyways mark, good luck best of luck in life

Maяk - says:
hey man, i’m sorry, i’ll suck your dick if you want
can u forgive me

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
if i see u anywhere close to me id spit in ur face if i didnt have any descency

Maяk - says:
ok well i gotta study

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
best of luck u need it
if u were a person with some fucken descency id actually talk to u in an intelligent manner, ur worse than an animal
and dont deserve to be spoken like a human


lol @ martina getting laid

mark whats your email adress lol this is to funny.

funny how no one has once even made a personal attack on ahmed yet he insists on attaking the person, yet all weve done is talk about the problems with what ahmed has said … immature to me , i think so, all u do ahmed is show that u are the most immature of all, u insist on calling us animals and fags, yet no where in nature does it show any animals to be homosexual, but a persopn of your intellect would know something so simple, u want to talk about how smart u are ? bitch i had my first college diploma at the age of 15, that was when u were trying to be oh so cool with all the kids in the desert while riding your fucking camels… U WANNA TALK ETHUG SHIT? GO AHEAD CALL ME ONE MORE NAME ILL SHOW U A FUCKIN ANIMAL AND A FAG… EVER MAKE LOVE TO MAN? NO, KEEP TALKING SHIT ILL FEED MARK SOME VIAGRA AND HOLD U DOWN WHILE HE SHOWS U SOME REAL MAN LOVE THAT U SO DESIRE… then u can lick martinos shitty asscrack… fuck with me u fucking towel head camel fucker… i fucking dare you