Refresh car with some lost power and milage?

No man, I think you left it next to ronald mcdonald’s when the chickens eat grass collection

^^^^^ whats that?

More white people:


WOW… this thread went to shit fast.

Since this thread has gone to shit…

Here are some photos in Greece!

Now let’s see how many people will still want to stay “on topic” LOL

Amusing thread, thanks.

I like Greece.

^^^^ i wanna stay on their topic lol

i’ll b like swish meat balls are sweet but mine are SPICY and everyone needs a lil spice in their life LMAO

you need to install a second sender on the left side of your tank. this upgrade will give you +10 kph in hard cornering.


No Naked/semi naked chicks GTFO

lol Jk

ahmed…i do not take this shit seriously, so don’t take me seriously

87lt lol obviously i know ur joking unlike some creatures here lol

dude toronto240 is a chick

How about now man…Still smell bad?

Let me know when its starts getting better!

lmao +7.37

can’t be bothered with makin a new thread and seeing that this has gone to shit with all the farting related metrial all hears asick as link

TIME ATTACK POS13 Speedhunters - Global Car Culture Since 2008

That s13 is bad ass the guys building it are mega awesome and the driver really gutty check some of the videos on youtube totally bad ass… and probably THE lightest s13 (other than a fiberglassed tube chassis dragster silouette s13).

Crazy titanium welding work too, mega bad ass

Hey you know a couple of years ago there was this prototyped device that could ‘transfer’ smells based on some kind of synthesized chemicals (it was ‘sasfe’ but i guess it never went into rpoduction)… i think we need one of those on son lol

yea to filter out the smell of the verbal diharria u insist on displaying everytime u touch a keyboard, see if maybe someone can do a group buy on diapers for your face, im sure we’ll all pitch just to catch it all before hits the boards

LOL i was just gona say imagine the smell of bullshit on son240 how it would reek. I guess thats why it never went into production :slight_smile: It would be worse than a pig farm, every thread like a shit hole. I only eat halal and kosher so, dont count me in :wink:

For them gay curiosity inquisitive special moments: get the mark cologne.
For that special crossdressed lady you wana support: get the martino cologne
For them white redneck university lady dressed in red yokle dresses: get the Hector brand.

Bullshit… aaaah smells great and affordable at the same time

Pimp them threads with useful shit