Removing Crank/Pully Bolt

Im looking to remove my crank bolt to set everything at tdc. Just finished a headgasket job, but my cam gears back to the way it was (or so i thought anyway) went to start it, and it didnt fire up. After words my air intake smelt like gas ish / smoke, so I figured my timing is off.

Anyway, how do I remove this bolt ?! When I try it turns the whole engine. Thanks

ps, on a ca18

Keep your rear wheels on the ground, and put it in first gear.

It will stop the engine from turning over. If you have access to an impact gun…use it. The shock of an impact gun will prevent the spinning action.

no impct gun. Feels like when I do that its still spinning, and i dont want pistons hitting my valves

Do yourself a favour; buy an impact gun. You can get an electric one for < $40 and a set of impact sockets for < $50 when on sale.

Doing it with a wrench is just wasting time.

ok cool, in the mean time, anyone?

I used an impact gun on my CA.

I borrowed a compressor and gun from my neighbor.

Just put it in gear. It will still turn slightly, but once it cant turn anymore the nut will come loose.