Ricer Rant

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha… owned

Sleeper, Next time you see it, Call me, i will hook up to the front and you can hook up to the back, Think we can half it? Any one want to video it?

Half it would be not to hard, i pulled a burnt trailblazer off a path in the woods then got it stuck in between two trees and accidently ripped off the rear half of the thing:rofl:

:bowrofl: what time were you there sleeper? we were there too… cant beleive we missed it


silly spark plug mod.

nice backround


This is so great … So fucking great!

Just buzzing through.

x2. This thread went from lame to retarded to funny, and now I believe it may be beginning to creep into the category of “epic.” People threatening people, people ripping each other apart, SleeperGTP pissing on cars, Jper cutting parts off his car, SmokinDiesel acting like a hardass… The official Pittspeed Winter Thread.

:itr41: :rofl:

Dont forget about JSCaddy pimpin on the elderly in his baller-ass ride going for their pensions


Comon Zach join the fun!

im stiull waiting, jail is fine by me.

the white caddy; that is paid off.

somebody that is tough will eventually wake up.

i will get my pention. by robbing suckers like you.lol wanna race or maybe fight…better yet lets see if your cock is a s big as mine.lol

Hmm…a pention, is that something that only engineers get? Most people get pensions. Looks like that CMU edumacation did you well.

pensionyou dumb B.S. Holding fuck!

Just because your uncle and someone else (not worth backtracking for) played someones bitch for several years (a family everyone should be proud to call their own), doesnt mean you should want to. I would assume their stories would be enough, but you really wanna test those waters yourself? Or perhaps this is a 2nd or 3rd trip, and you’ve got a secret love affair waiting back at the pen??? Seriously…you define douchery to its greatest length.

which one of you studs are gonna get fucked today? who was mean to me… lets go bowling in bridgeville or play hockey and i can pick for myself.

tell me what turbo is the best i really want help.

dude aint you a sleeper. shut the fuck up. please give me attention!

WTF are you talking about? You make absolutely no sense at all.:rofl:

maybe its bipolar, or a “pension for crime” lets see

No damn clue. I, like you, joined up for help, some years ago. I’m a chick that doesnt know shit (for the most part) about cars. Any other questions I could help you out with?

cents are you a jap?

we dont get spelling tests in college. just fuck yourt mother tests. you got a B++

i like women who are modest. not MODDERS or whtever the fuck these wizards call them.