Ride height?

what is the lowest legal ride height in Ontario?


no clue.

I didn’t think there was an allowance on exactly how low you can go. Some hot rods/mini trucks are SUPER low…they never seem to get in much trouble.

possibley because they are classics? or… im just curious because of all this stunt driving law bullshit… my car might be at “stunt” ride height or something and i get a $10000 fine…

My coupe is 2in 3/4" off the ground on the front lip…I’ve had cops POUR over the car trying to give me tickets, and they didn’t say anything. Tow truck drivers hate me though.

haha,nice, thats lowww… well if you havent had any trouble at roughly 3’… i doubt there could be any actual laws, but i have bad luck with cops

In Quebec, they will tow the car if the tires or the road touch any part of the body during “normal driving conditions”.

im gonna have to go to MTO to find out…:mad:

No part of the tires may come into contact with the vehicle, no part of the vehicle can touch the ground and the front wheels cannot be visibly out of alignment.

HTA 70(3)(a) – Improper tires - $85.00/$110.00
Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8

HTA O.Reg 625 Section 5(b) – Reference Section for HTA 70(3)(a)
Highway Traffic Act - R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 625

HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 3(5) – Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
Highway Traffic Act - R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 611

there is no right height limit in ontario

on a funny note my car backfired while a blind person was standing to cross the street. She jumped like somone was shooting at her.

why do u want ur car so low? It wont make it handle any better. Just go with a nice ride height. too low and u loose drive ability and everything

hahaha I do that all the time. Exept its not actually blind people.

Mine sounds dumb though, ebcause it backfires through a cat, so it makes a muffled crack.

It looks cool, that’s why i do it.

timys talk

  • has to be two fingers from tire to wheel well
  • has to be 3 and 1/2 inch from front lip. to the ground

lol . timys bull shit ,. ppl who should shut up and think wut there saying ,.who cares lower your car

my car is lower then it should be and i lost some drivablitiy BUT FUCK ITS HOT!
anways. as long as your not tucking your tires in the wheel wells majorly then you wont get any complaints, thats what a peel cop told me

as for backfires. i downshifted today in front of a cop and i got a huge backfire…worst time ever…so i puleld a quick one and went into timys parking lot and hit the drivethrew. the cop waited for me…told me that i should get a cat and hope the next time the cop isnt a dick, then complemented my boost gets you laid sticker and strolled off

snap only thing with having my cars 2 3/4" off the ground is driveways and tow trucks…it be nice to develop some kind of system…making it easier

I belive the law is not how low the car is but your headlights have to be a certain distance from the ground

thats bs… what happens when my headlights are down??

That looks like such shit lol. I’m pretty sure stock ride height on my G is lower than that. Even one finger looks like shit. Ideal ride height for looks is tire perfectly level with wheel well, rolled fenders so that you don’t damage the tire.

Why do you think people do the Sleepy eye mod to their S13s?

It’s so that they can’t get a ticket for “no headlight” showing.