rim hole drilling

i got these wheels for free and there wide as hell, 16x10.5, but the wheels are not my bolt pattern, they’re 5 lug. but there’s enough room to be able to get the new holes. my ? is were can i get this done? and for how much? and if you have done this before what problems if any happened or what type of risk do i run doing this?.. thanks.

I’m assuming that your 4 lug…

There are countless 4/5 lug wheels that come from the manufacturer like that. I have 4/5 lug wheels that were made like that and have had not one problem.

You should have no problems as long as the person that does it takes great care in how the holes are positioned and overall pride in his workmanship.

Most good machine shops should be able to do this.

Send me an email, i’ll put you in touch with my rim repair guy. Drilling holes is pretty easy especially if there room to drill.

It plenty safe to do as long as there is material to drill through.


I’ll drill your rim hole.

ok do you work a machine shop? or do you have the proper tools? whats your pricing like? do you even know how to do this? im only asking because my wife and 2 kids are riding in the car with me and i dont need some one who thinks they know what they are doing and then my wheel falls off because you did a shitty job. that’s my only concern. maybe we can work something out.

LOL. Do me!!!


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