RIP Georgian Luger

At least he got his pole finish.



Snow sports are balls to the wall, with inhumane expectations. It’s brutal in some of them. Take snowboarding for example: if you aren’t risking career ending injuries or death in your video parts and shots, you aren’t going big enough. That’s the expectation you have to meet to get paid. It’s a hard this kind of mentality is entrenched in some winter sports, and now you are presented with the aftermath of it.


could this have been prevented, probably. was this unaviodable, hell no… it was bound to happen.

i am sorry this happened but it did happen. i hope the rest of the games go on with out incident for the country’s sake. especially after that horrible ending of the opening cerimonies. gretzky aside, that was pathetic.


What was wrong with the opening ceremonies? I didn’t watch it…

the hydrolics on one of the poles didnt work so the indoor torche was incomplete…lol oh yeah and the 4 nations cheifs were all late lol

I’m going straight to hell :smiley:

noone likes you

That’s in poor taste.

Ya the opening cermonies looked like a ridiculous waste of money to me, the one thing that had to work didn’t. The stupid fucks couldn’t even read more than 5 words of their speech without having to look down. What a waste of money.

I am not proud of Canada.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that netting after the high bank is a good idea

Driving 150km/h is illegal. Yet laying on your back shooting down a ice tunnel is all gravy?!?

Betcha there is more fatalities in lugeing (sp?) than high speed automobile crashes.

R.I.P to that man. That is insanely fucked.

only 4 lugers have died in prep for the games.

Only?!?! Thats just prep. What about lifetime of the sport? If you can even call it that.

I’m surprised the taliban don’t play this “sport.” More of a suicide game.

Tbs Olympics is a waste of money. Heavy debt, no snow, and Whistler being overrun by drunk and drugged up OC types, trashing the place that will ultimately be paid for by BC tax layers yet again. And of course when BC needs more government funding, we will be paying for it. Good times.

How can ppl make a joke of someone who died doing a sport.

Pretty disrespectful…Not like he did something stupid and died. He was participating in a sport he loved.


People die all the time in Olympic training before the actual olympics

3 people have died in the olympics the first being 1964, 1992 and yesterday 2010.

In all honesty death is not exactly a high occurrence.

“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.” - Jeremy Clarkson

The norm is if someone falls they slide for what seems like forever within the track. This may be painful and create injuries but death isn’t to common. If you notice this guy died because of a high speed, hard hit which sent him off the track into a stationary object. A sort, of protection like tires at a race track, might have helped but we will never know.

It’s a rare occurrence but sad one never the less. That video will make many cringe and I know my girlfriend never wants to see that video again.

you guys are not looking at the big picture. if the hockey teams wins the gold, NONE of this other BS will matter. lol.


remove that pic! It is not funny and extremely bad taste!!