risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

its all good

ok so how do i harvest the sulfur? or do i already have it

all my guys are getting is wood and money???

and your tutorial sucks…too much shit in there to read…i’m lazy

nvm apparently i have to research wealth first

wealth takes for ever, 16 researchers and still have 5 hours left.

build an academy and keep researching through it.

once you finished researching “wealth” you’ll be given the option to harvest sulfur

i’ll join in to kill some time :stuck_out_tongue:

Adictd2b00st = Adictd2b00st
Server = Lambda
Mineral = ???
Island = Waraous(48:76)
Town = Boostland

OP updated

ryanmcell and adictd2b00st both have sulfer

I have sulfur eh…


i have no idea what i’m doing haha fuck sulfur :stuck_out_tongue:

Just set it and forget it… it seems to be working for me.

lol click on “help”

it will show you what you should be doing

oh man i think im on the wrond island… ha … this game is cool but the suck is the time it takes

if anyone has a extra 100 or so wood can they send it my way? do i need a boat to get stuff

well my research academy is now level 4. But I only have 21 glass and need more to get to level 5. Guess I will just build up my wall and warehouse for now

you need a pier to trade… carbon and I tried trading earlier but it wouldn’t let us (too far away?). Sureshot was able to trade with me though (next island over)

who’s near you?

Finally got lots of marble flowing for those who need

Back. Anyways, My wealth is almost done… HOLLA. How do you use the trading points? I need some fucking GLASS!

Build a trading post asap. It’ll help you get what you need and sell what you don’t.

My ship came back already. I’M RICH!!!

This takes too long. Rar.

I have one with two trading vessels. But they ain’t doin shit! I have a lot of gold I’m looking to get rid of for some much needed natural resources…

Yeah I have two just sitting around as well. Lazy fucking townies.

you and sureshot are near me