risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

Word. We can’t form alliances until we get embassies… which are not fucking soon!

I’m ready to rock this bitch. Can’t I donate $10 to get uber shit or something?

what you looking do dump i have about 50 gold and 6 wood lol

well that is why i sent everyone a message on the game but i did not know i needed a embassie (i think i spelled it wrong. it looks wrong)

I think you can only trade with the islands in your little group? At least that seems to be with me, only those 9 islands can I trade with.

Trading posts are different from trading ports. You should be able to build one on an empty land spot once your research of “wealth” is complete.

Once you have wealth and a trading post setup, you can only start by trading with islands next to you, every other time you upgrade it, you can trade further out. like

1 island away … levels 1+2
2 islands away… leverls 3+4



Bucker (User)
Buck’s House (Town)
Tijios[48:78] (Island)

yeah word, sorry about my ignorance… i just read the wiki page, so i’m gtg.

i intend on stopping the science/economy route… and going full seafaring. gotta get those expansions up early!

Anybody want to throw me some crystal for my next Academy upgrade? :smiley:

you need to research Wealth… then you are given crystal

No problem. I was going to do the same thing, but it seems that in order to research some things, they have prerequisites from other fields.

6 hours and counting…


YES I’m finally kicking some ass. Now I need more glass WTF>

what do i need for trading with others?

trade post… and level it up

and trade port (don’t level that one though)

Anyone aware of what Ambrosia is?

Something you have to pay actual (real) money for??

The delicious dessert concoction? :tup:

yea you pay for it… and it helps your stats and give you free shit…

I will take the free route thanks