risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

It’s unfortunately because your ships aren’t getting there in time… it’s basically first come first serve until you have a treaty with them, which I can’t even do yet. Did you install the firefox script so you can see the enemies military #s? Find an island nearby with marble, check all the cities there and find one that has a military rating of 0. Send 2 slingers and they should return with some loot.

Dude I am also dying for some marble, login and join my running alliance… and send me some marble!

what is the name of the alliance? I may not be able to since I already joined nyspeed :frowning:

you have a msg

You can disband your alliance, which you should do. :slight_smile:

And I don’t see a message? :frowning:

sidenote: sending warships from multiple colonies to attack one city fucking rules.

edit: nm got it

sidenote: sending warships from multiple colonies to attack one city fucking rules

lol your being attacked by 3 towns…FUCK!

hahaha pillage and plunder it all

Yeah, I don’t fuck around. Conquest baby!

That score tool is awesome! I’m just pillaging the low score, ZERO military points with one phalanx each… and I dont lose a unit and I get stuff :slight_smile:

I am wary of the high cash, high points, zero military people… as they probably have a main colony somewhere else…

I wouldn’t worry about them. Join our alliance baldy.

Oh, I just found out only >I< can contribute points to the alliance! Doh!

maybe if you make other people the general, diplomat etc they can contribute?

Nah, I checked and it’s only the leader. If you want to be something, IDK. I planned on having Stevil be the guy that can accept invites since he is playing a lot, but he has been MIA for awhile.

The roles are basically:

  1. guy who can accept people in
  2. guy who monitors everyones pillaging/military
  3. guy who does some gay alliance profile/website shit
  4. guy who leads the alliance

hey guys i am on here too,

AndyB= AndyB
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island =
Town = Baller Town

Just to show you the NYS Alliance is fo real, here is a quick screen shot I took:

how do i join?

+1, im slowly trying to build up my township

Once you guys get an embassy you can join.

I’ll do if he doesn’t want to. I’m on comp so I’m off work for the next 2.5 months! I have nothing but time!

And after seeing your little battle list, I’m glad I’m in an alliance with you! I wouldn’t want to be on the other side of it!

Alright man, done. I’m not sure what you can see now, but if there are people trying to get invites and i don’t get it done, just accept them and add their name to the internal alliance page etc.


nice, should be able to build an embassy tomorrow so ill join then.

Yeah its working.

Alliance, does it like speed up help in battles, etc?